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JUN 1 1930 John Kunsky and George Trendle buy WGHP/Detroit which will become WXYZ, originating station for The Lone Ranger, The Green Hornet and Challenge of The Yukon. (See The Lone Ranger.)
JUN 1 1931 NBC buys WENR/Chicago as an affiliate and program source for its Blue network. The station will share frequencies with WLS/Chicago until 1954.
JUN 1 1932 Federal Radio Commission orders stations to announce, “This is a mechanical reproduction,” every 15 minutes during transcribed programs and, “This is a phonograph record,” whenever records are broadcast.
JUN 1 1932 WXYZ/Detroit drops its affiliation with CBS to become an independent station. (See The Lone Ranger.)
JUN 1 1932 Blue Network affiliates WLW/Cincinnati, WGAR/Cleveland and WJR/Detroit hold out for full card rate, (WLW, $1,150, WGAR & WJR, $300 each), to carry network programs, declining Blue’s offer of $50 per hour.
JUN 1 1934 National news service Transradio Press absorbs Midwest regional rival Radio News Association.
JUN 1 1934 The Minneapolis Tribune and St. Paul Dispatch join forces to buy 1,000 watt WRHM/Minneapolis.
JUN 1 1934 Transradio Press opens its news service to 125 stations that refused Press Radio Bureau restrictions. (See The Press Radio Bureau.)
JUN 1 1934 NBC reduces the time allotted for station breaks between programs from 20 to ten seconds, virtually eliminating any time for locally sold commercials.
JUN 1 1935 Transradio Press sues CBS, NBC, Associated Press, United Press, International News Service and American Newspaper Publishers Assn. for $1.7 Million, charging unfair competition.
JUN 1 1936 Lux Radio Theater hosted by veteran movie director Cecil B. DeMille, 54, opens its 18 year run from Hollywood on the CBS Monday night schedule. (See Lux…Presents Hollywood! and Monday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 1 1936 General Mills budgets $1.0 Million to begin sponsorship of four consecutive weekday quarter-hours on CBS from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. beginning with soap opera Betty & Bob and concluding with Hymns of All Churches.
JUN 1 1936 The networks broadcast spot coverage through the day of S.S. Queen Mary’s first arrival in New York Harbor.
JUN 1 1936 A Rochester, New York, carpenter sues Walter Winchell and NBC for $50,000 claiming Winchell ridiculed him in reporting how he fell from a tree after sawing off the limb where he was sitting. (See Walter Winchell and Sunday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 1 1936 A Los Angeles Appeals Court reverses a lower court libel decision that awarded $2,501 to KNX/Los Angeles from The Los Angeles Times regarding an opinion the paper expressed about the station’s newscasts.
JUN 1 1937 The Al Pearce Gang leaves New York on a 35 city tour of Ford dealers, doing its Tuesday night CBS show from Detroit, Chicago, Denver, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
JUN 1 1937 All stations in Oregon agree to prohibit beer and wine advertising before 10:00 p.m. PST.
JUN 1 1939 Coca-Cola increases the number of markets where it sponsors the 15 minute transcribed Singin’ Sam shows from 150 to 175.
JUN 1 1939 Shortwave station WIXAL/Boston begins transmitting two hours of Mutual network programs every morning to Europe and South America.
JUN 1 1939 CBS estimates there are 900 television sets in New York City with 5,000 more expected in 1940.
JUN 1 1939 NBC’s W2XBS(TV)/New York City presents the first televised boxing match: Lou Nova's eleventh round TKO over former Heavyweight champ Max Baer.
JUN 1 1940 United Press and International News Service invoke the “War Clause” in their contracts and access subscribers an additional 15%, citing increased costs in covering the war in Europe.
JUN 1 1942 The Armed Forces Radio Service, (AFRS), is organized with 21 outlets.
JUN 1 1942 U.S. Supreme Court sends the FCC’s Network Monopoly regulations back to Federal District Court for a full review - considered a victory for NBC and CBS.
JUN 1 1942 General Mills signs with NBC for the fifth consecutive year of its weekday afternoon Gold Medal Hour featuring four consecutive quarter hours - Light of The World, Arnold Grimm’s Daughter, The Guiding Light and Hymns of All Churches or Betty Crocker - all sponsored by the company. (See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 1 1942 WNEW/New York City begins daily broadcasts from the BBC in its Meet The Londoners campaign.
JUN 1 1943 Explaining, “So people will know it’s the same thing,“ CBS changes its system cue on sustaining programs to, “This is CBS, the Columbia Broadcasting System.” The commercial program system cue remains, “This is the Columbia Broadcasting System.”
JUN 1 1944 Failing to get the expected support from the Senate and broadcasting industry, Senator Burton Wheeler declares his Communications Act Amendments of 1944 to be, “…all but dead.”
JUN 1 1945 Radio stars Freeman Gosden & Charles Correll, (aka Amos & Andy), Ed Gardner, Frank Sinatra and Bob Hope with Jerry Colonna all prepare to leave in June for overseas USO tours. (See Hope From Home and “Professor” Jerry Colonna.)
JUN 1 1947 Disc jockey Martin Block debuts on KFWB/Los Angeles with a party from his home featuring live talent headlined by Jimmy Durante, Jo Stafford. and Woody Herman’s orchestra.
JUN 1 1947 ABC announces its daytime programs are sold out and acquiring $12 Million in new business during the first six months of the year.
JUN 1 1948 Red Skelton, 35, is diagnosed with nervous exhaustion and ordered by physicians to several months of complete rest. (See Tuesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 1 1948 Gulf Oil sponsors the first AM-TV simulcast of a prime time program - We The People on CBS Radio and WCBS-TV/New York City.
JUN 1 1949 Lawrence Welk begins his band’s eight year sporadic run on ABC Radio as summer replacement for Groucho Marx‘s You Bet Your Life. (See Big Band Remotes and Spotlight Bands.)
JUN 1 1949 NBC-TV issues its first network rate card charging $7,600 per prime time hour for its 21 interconnected stations plus $3,300 for its 13 non-interconnected affiliates.
JUN 1 1950 Mark Woods, ABC Vice Chairman and President of the Blue/ABC radio chain since 1942, resigns.
JUN 1 1951 NBC rules against originating any sustaining program unless 25 affiliates agree to carry it.
JUN 1 1951 Jimmy Durante, 58, signs a new five-year contract with NBC guaranteeing him an income for 15 years. (See Goodnight, Mr. Durante...)
JUN 1 1951 U.S. Court of Appeals rules music and commercials on municipal buses and streetcars unconstitutional and orders WWDC-FM/Washington to cease its Transit Radio broadcasts.
JUN 1 1951 Connecticut Senator William Benton proposes limiting broadcast licenses to one year and creating an eleven person “National Advisory Board” as a watchdog over commercial radio and television.
JUN 1 1951 General Tire & Rubber - majority stockholder in Mutual - buys KFI-TV/Los Angeles for $2,500,000 - stirring rumors that Mutual will anchor a new television network with WOR-TV/New York, WGN-TV/Chicago, WNAC-TV/Boston and KFI-TV.
JUN 1 1952 Singing band leader and comic Phil Harris, 47, leaves Jack Benny‘s cast after 16 years with the show.
JUN 1 1952 Colgate President E.H. Little files a vigorous complaint with NBC-TV over "questionable" material in Sunday’s Colgate Comedy Hour starring Herb Shriner after Colgate reps had objected to the sequences beforehand.
JUN 1 1953 KFI/Los Angeles extends its NBC affiliation contract for two years, ending speculation that the network intends to buy a station in the market.
JUN 1 1953 WWDC-FM/Washington, D.C, and WKRC-FM/Cincinnati suspend their Transit Radio service to city buses.
JUN 1 1953 NBC-TV reports its fall prime time schedule is sold out.
JUN 1 1953 Ziv Television Productions reports that its six-month sales equal all of the previous year at $13.0 Million. (See Fred Ziv - King of Syndication.)
JUN 2 1932 CBS prohibits its male employees from working without jackets if they wear suspenders.
JUN 2 1939 WMPS/Memphis staff vocalist Kay Starr, 17, graduates from high school and joins Bob Crosby’s band for its NBC series beginning on July 11.
JUN 2 1940 Each network grants limited time to the American Communist Party for segments of its national political convention nominating Earl Browder for U.S. President.
JUN 2 1941 General Mills renews its weekday Gold Medal Hour for 52-weeks on NBC’s afternoon schedule comprised of four quarter-hour shows, Valiant Lady, Light of The World, Mystery Man and Arnold Grimm’s Daughter. (See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 2 1942 FCC Chairman James Fly orders all foreign language stations to submit full particulars of all programs they carry, identify the persons involved and their relationship with the station.
JUN 2 1942 WRJN/Racine, Wisconsin, broadcasts the first German language program series heard in the Milwaukee vicinity since the outbreak of World War II, sponsored by the Wisconsin Federation of German-American Societies, a strongly anti-Nazi group.
JUN 2 1942 Campbell Soup cancels The Bob Burns Show when the rural comedian refuses to reformat his program. (See Bob Burns.)
JUN 2 1942 Trumpeter and singing bandleader Roland (Bunny) Berigan, featured on many Network Radio shows, dies at 35 of an intestinal disorder.
JUN 2 1943 NBC’s network line breaks near Denver, blocking eastward transmission of the Hollywood-originated Eddie Cantor and Kay Kyser shows for 45 minutes..
JUN 2 1944 Leading advertisers instruct networks and stations to suspend their commer-cials for at least 24 hours when the imminent D-Day coverage begins. (See D-Day On Radio.)
JUN 2 1944 U.S. Senator Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan introduces a bill to prevent the American Federation of Musicians from “interfering” with non-commercial music school broadcasts. (See Petrillo!)
JUN 2 1944 To comply with FCC duopoly regulations, WLW/Cincinnati owner Crosley sells its WSAI/Cincinnati to Chicago’s Marshall Field for a reported $1.5 Million.
JUN 2 1944 The United Auto Workers decides against buying WJBK/Detroit as it might cause “bad public relations.”
JUN 2 1946 American Tobacco installs Frank Morgan as The Fabulous Dr. Tweedy as Jack Benny’s summer replacement and switches the half hour’s sponsor from its Lucky Strike to Pall Mall cigarettes. (See Frank Morgan.)
JUN 2 1947 General Mills revives it weekday serial The Guiding Light after a ten year run on NBC and a six month hiatus for an additional nine year run on CBS. (See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 2 1947 Disc jockey Martin Block begins his 60 minute weekday show on Mutual, part of his three hour show on KFWB/Los Angeles. His transcribed shows also continue on WNEW/New York City resulting in a total weekly income estimated at $14,000.
JUN 2 1947 Jack Benny’s troupe concludes a record breaking two week run at New York City’s Roxy Theater grossing $278,000 from which Benny netted $88,000. (See Your Money Or Your Life.)
JUN 2 1947 AT7T submits its proposed coaxial cable rates for network television to the FCC.
JUN 2 1948 Jean Hersholt takes his first vacation from Dr. Christian on CBS in eleven years - six weeks to return to his native Denmark to accept a knighthood. (See Dr. Christian and Wednesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 2 1949 FCC overturns the eight year old Mayflower Decision by granting broad-casters the right to editorialize.
JUN 2 1950 Myron (Mike) Wallace and wife Buff Cobb begin their nightly, 90-minute interview show from Chicago’s Chez Paree night club at 11:30 p.m. on WMAQ.
JUN 2 1950 The Big Ten conference votes to prohibit live television coverage of its football games in the 1950 season.
JUN 2 1950 General Mills cancels its two long running serials on NBC, The Light of The World and Today’s Children. (See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 2 1952 Actor William (Hopalong Cassidy) Boyd, 57, signs an exclusive ten year contract with NBC.
JUN 2 1952 Lux Radio Theater is replaced for one month on CBS by The Lux Hour of Romance & Mystery comprised of two half-hour programs, Romance and Broadway Is My Beat. (See CBS Packages Unwrapped.)
JUN 2 1952 As the 1951-52 Television Season closes, CBS sweeps the top three positions in the Nielsen, ARB and Trendex surveys with I Love Lucy, Arthur Godfrey’s Talent Scouts and Arthur Godfrey & His Friends.
JUN 2 1953 Network Radio coverage of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation begins at 5:30 a.m. - pooled film of the event is flown to the U.S. for network television broadcast late that same evening.
JUN 3 1933 NBC denies Freeman Gosden & Charles Correll a month’s vacation from their nightly Amos & Andy show, in its third year without a break, citing their absence would cost the network $125,000 in billings. (See Amos & Andy - Twice Is Nicer and Multiple Runs All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 3 1933 Licensed to Panama and transmitting from a gambling ship off the coast of Los Angeles, RXKR Radio begins nightly broadcasts with a fortune teller’s infomercial. The station is shut down at the “request” of the U.S. State Department two months later.
JUN 3 1936 Your Hit Parade begins a 17 week run on Blue in addition to its weekly broadcasts on CBS and NBC. (See The Lucky Strike Sweepstakes.)
JUN 3 1942 All stations on the Pacific Coast go off the air from 9:00 p.m. until 5:25 the next morning as a precaution following the Japanese bombing of Dutch Harbor in Alaska‘s Aleutian Islands. The curfew, ordered by the U.S. Fourth Fighter Command, extends for three nights.
JUN 3 1942 The Omaha Chamber of Commerce complains to Lewis-Howe and NBC about Horace Heidt’s disparaging jokes about the city on the previous night’s Tums Treasure Chest originating from an Omaha theater.
JUN 3 1944 An Associated Press teletype operator practicing on a machine in London inadvertently flashes a false bulletin of an Allied invasion of Europe. NBC, CBS and Mutual broadcast the news then correct it five minutes later. (See D-Day On Radio.)
JUN 3 1944 Ralph Edwards takes his Truth Or Consequences on its third nationwide tour to sell War Bonds. (See Truth Or Consequences and Saturday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 3 1945 Wayne King returns from three years of military duty as Jack Benny’s summer replacement. (See The Waltz King.)
JUN 3 1945 FCC proposes to liberalize its required announcements for transcribed programs (See "By Transcription...")
JUN 3 1945 New York City radio stations WOR, WAAT and WEVD plus the American Broadcasting Company, The New York Post and The New York Daily News all bid for the city’s four remaining television licenses as FCC hearings begin.
JUN 3 1946 Mark Goodson & Bill Todman’s first game show, Winner Take All, begins its six year run on CBS.
JUN 3 1946 Applying for television station construction permits for New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco, ABC President Mark Woods tells the FCC that the network will spend over $10.0 Million for television development.
JUN 3 1947 Sponsor Brown & Williamson Tobacco passes out bonuses totaling $30,000 to the cast and crew of NBC's Raleigh Cigarette Program starring Red Skelton. (See Tuesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 3 1947 Fledgling transcription network, The Broadcasters’ Guild, signs WHN/New York City, WLS/Chicago and KMPC/Los Angeles as its major affiliates.
JUN 3 1949 Jack Webb, 29, debuts Dragnet on NBC, beginning eight seasons on the radio network. (See Jack Webb’s Dragnet.)
JUN 3 1949 My Good Wife starring Arlene Francis and John Conte replaces Red Skelton on NBC at 9:30 p.m. - the sitcom is cancelled after 18 weeks to make room for the new Jimmy Durante Show.
JUN 3 1950 Jack Benny and his radio troupe finish a 21 day personal appearance tour, grossing $410,000. (See Sunday At Seven.)
JUN 3 1950 General Mills agrees to purchase an additional 26 half-hour episodes of The Lone Ranger at $12,500 each from producer Jack Chertok for first run broadcast on ABC-TV. (See The Lone Ranger.)
JUN 3 1950 Dodge begins sponsorship of three ABC-TV broadcasts of the Roller Derby each week.
JUN 3 1953 An estimated 50 million viewers see President Eisenhower and four of his cabinet members hold an informal meeting broadcast by all four television networks.
JUN 4 1930 R. J. Reynolds' Camel cigarettes becomes Network Radio’s biggest advertiser with $1.1 Million budgeted for it’s new 52 week Wednesday night musical variety hours on NBC.
JUN 4 1934 WJJD/Chicago announces a daily afternoon schedule of descriptions of 28 horse races from four major race tracks, running from 1:30 to 6:30 p.m.
JUN 4 1935 Ed Wynn appears for the last time as NBC’s Texaco Fire Chief when the sponsor refuses his demand for a raise to $7,300 per week. (See Tuesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 4 1936 Don Lee Television Director Harry Lubcke conducts the first American demonstration of cathode ray television in Los Angeles, sending 300 line images 24 times a second from Lee’s experimental W6XAO.
JUN 4 1937 WCAU/Philadelphia cancels its annual staff picnic, “…because the nature of our business doesn’t allow everyone to attend,” and instead gives each of its 88 employees a $10 bonus.
JUN 4 1939 Gulf Oil announces its season’s contribution to the Motion Picture Relief Fund in lieu of talent fees for actors appearing on the CBS Screen Guild Theater totals $220,000. (See Acts of Charity and Monday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 4 1941 AT&T submits new rate reductions to FCC which will save five percent of networks’ line charges.
JUN 4 1942 American Tobacco’s Your Hit Parade announces a competition for the best war song - fighting, sentimental or humorous - published during the year. (See Saturday’s All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 4 1944 Standard Brands pre-empts its Sunday night NBC programs for Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Fred Allen, Judy Garland and Edgar Bergen in The Bakers of America Salute The Armed Forces which is also shortwaved overseas.
JUN 4 1945 Fred Waring’s Pennsylvanians begin their four year run of half-hour concerts late every weekday morning on NBC.
JUN 4 1945 NBC’s Truth Or Consequences' West Coast tour is credited with the sale of $6.8 Million in War Bonds. (See Truth Or Conseqences and Saturday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 4 1945 Research specialist Frank Stanton, 37, is appointed Vice President & General Manager of CBS.
JUN 4 1945 NBC resumes programming big band remotes on weeknights after 11:30 p.m. as each of its shows of original studio programming is individually cancelled. (See Words At War.)
JUN 4 1946 Mind reader Dunninger returns for a second season as summer replacement for Amos & Andy. (See Dunninger.)
JUN 4 1948 After 17 consecutive years, CBS cancels its award winning weekday Columbia School of The Air.
JUN 4 1948 Bing Crosby, Bob Hope and Arthur Godfrey headline The Washington Post’s annual charity golf event.
JUN 4 1948 A crowd of 6,000 fills Washington’s National Guard Armory for Arthur Godfrey’s charity show featuring Bob Hope, Jane Russell, Morton Downeyand Godfrey’s radio cast including the Mariners quartet whom Godfrey introduced with another slam against the Daughters of The American Revolution to cheers from the audience.
JUN 4 1950 FCC transfers all broadcast personnel to its new Broadcast Bureau headed by Chief Engineer Curtis Plummer which is to oversee all functions devoted to radio and television.
JUN 4 1951 Harold Fellows, General Manager of CBS-owned WEEI/Boston, takes office as the first President of the newly enlarged NARTB, (fka NAB).
JUN 4 1951 Miles Laboratories breaks Network Radio’s sponsorship drought with a year’s contract for weekday replays of Curt Massey & Martha Tilton’s nightly musical quarter hour on CBS worth $900,000 to Mutual.
JUN 4 1951 Serge Koussevitzky, former conductor of the Boston Symphony and Detroit Symphony - both often heard on radio - dies at 79 after a long period of failing health.
JUN 4 1951 FCC refuses to require commercial television stations to devote 25% of their air time for educational purposes as proposed by N.Y. Rep Emauel Celler and endorsed by Commissioner Frieda Hennock.
JUN 4 1952 All four radio networks plus CBS-TV and NBC-TV broadcast the homecoming speech by returning General Dwight D Eisenhower from Abilene, Kansas. .
JUN 4 1952 Gordon McLendon cancels plans to form a new West Coast based Liberty Radio Network.
JUN 5 1932 CBS cuts all employee’s salaries by 15%.
JUN 5 1935 Both CBS and NBC negotiate with United Press to buy the news service for their owned stations which would doom the Press-Radio Bureau. (See The Press-Radio Bureau.)
JUN 5 1936 Major Edward Bowes demands $15,000 per week - a 100% raise - from Standard Brands to deliver his top rated Original Amateur Hour, to NBC for the 1936-37 season. (See Major Bowes’ Original Money Machine and Network Jumpers.)
JUN 5 1939 General Mills increases its weekday afternoon buy on NBC to 90 minutes a day - 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. (See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 5 1941 Lewis-Howe’s Tums antacid cancels Pot O Gold on Blue but continues the weekly giveaway show for a month with Tommy Tucker’s band and reduced prizes on simultaneous broadcasts from New York City’s WHN, WNEW and WMCA.
JUN 5 1942 Welch’s Grape Juice moves its Irene Rich Dramas prime time serial to CBS after nine years on Blue.
JUN 5 1943 The U.S. Government begins its 26 week, half-hour series, For This We Fight, on NBC’s Saturday night schedule at 7:00.
JUN 5 1944 FDR’s announcement of Rome’s capture by Allied forces on all networks registers a 45.2 Hooperating. (See Radio's Rulers: Crossley, Hooper & Nielsen.)
JUN 5 1944 Characters heard in the three Irna Phillips’ soap operas heard in a 45 minute block on NBC - The Guiding Light, Today’s Children and Women In White - begin appearing in each other’s programs. (See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 5 1944 Frank & Anne Hummert move the production of The Romance of Helen Trent from Chicago to New York City leaving only their serial Backstage Wife remaining in Chicago. (See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 5 1944 Julie Stevens begins her 16 year run in the title role of The Romance of Helen Trent.
JUN 5 1944 Mutual revives the Tom Mix weekday kids’ serial as The Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters for a five year run. (See Serials, Cereals & Premiums.)
JUN 5 1945 Herbert Marshall’s The Man Called X jumps from CBS to become Bob Hope’s 13-week summer replacement on NBC.
JUN 5 1945 Blue broadcasts 30 minutes of the four hour Glenn Miller Memorial Show from New York’s Paramount Theater that raises $4.8 Million in War Bond sales, (See In The Miller Mood.)
JUN 5 1945 NBC cancels its award winning Words At War after a two year run and reverts to dance bands instead of original programming on weeknights at 11:30 p,m, (See Words At War.)
JUN 5 1946 Chicago stations dispatch remote crews and wire recording facilities to cover the midnight LaSalle Hotel fire that kills 61 persons.
JUN 5 1946 CBS reports that over 8,000 entries were submitted in the fifth annual Dr. Christian script writing contest. (See Dr. Christian and Wednesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 5 1946 Westinghouse and Glen Martin Aviation fly a converted B-29 from Baltimore to Detroit transmitting FM signals to receivers on land in initial tests of their Stratovision concept for broadcasting FM radio and television.
JUN 5 1947 CBS proposes to the FCC to sell its 45% of WAPI/Birmingham if the agency will reverse its decision and allow the network to purchase KQW/San Jose-San Francisco.
JUN 5 1948 Quiz show Take A Number hosted by Red Benson begins its seven season run on Mutual.
JUN 5 1949 Theater Guild On The Air, (aka The U.S. Steel Hour), leaves ABC after four seasons for NBC.
JUN 5 1949 Lever Brothers uses Call The Police for Amos & Andy’s 17-week summer replacement, pulling the melodrama from NBC where it had been A&A’s replacement show for the two previous seasons.
JUN 5 1949 Hollywood reporter Jimmie Fidler reports on his ABC and Mutual programs that AFM President James Petrillo plans to retire - which Petrillo angrily denies. (See Petrillo!)
JUN 5 1950 One Man’s Family, a weekly half-hour program since 1932, becomes a successful 15 minute nightly strip serial on NBC for nine more seasons. (See Sunday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 5 1950 NBC beats CBS in the bidding war for Bob Hope and signs him to a multi-million dollar five year radio and television contract.
JUN 5 1950 The short-lived Tape Broadcasting System opens its transcribed program service with 33 affiliates.
JUN 5 1950 Bud Collyer, radio’s Superman for ten years, relinquishes the role to Michael Fitzmaurice when the serial returns to ABC opposite Collyer’s weekday quiz show, Hits & Misses, on CBS.
JUN 5 1950 Charlton Heston and Lisa Kirk star in the CBS-TV Studio One production of Shakespeare’s Taming of The Shrew performed in modern dress.
JUN 5 1951 NBC reports that sheet music sales for Meredith Willson’s May The Good Lord Bless And Keep You, which he wrote as closing theme for The Big Show, have exceeded 500,000 copies. (See Meredith Willson and Tallulah's Big Show.)
JUN 5 1951 NBC signs Milton Berle to an exclusive 30 year contract paying the comedian a total of $1.26 Millio
JUN 5 1952 Gillette spends $175,000 for NBC-TV’s coverage of Jersey Joe Wolcott’s successful defense of his Heavyweight Championship against Ezzard Charles which scores a 58.6 Trendex rating representing 37 million viewers.
JUN 5 1953 Veteran stage, screen and radio actor Roland Young, best known as the title character in the Topper film comedies, dies in New York City at age 65.
JUN 6 1936 Nathan Burkan, 56, co-founder of ASCAP in 1914, dies at his Long Island summer home.
JUN 6 1938 The NAB Board of Directors unanimously elects former Louisville Mayor Neville Miller, 44, to a three year term as its President effective July 1st at an annual salary of $25,000 plus expenses.
JUN 6 1938 After a year on WEAF/New York City, Frank & Anne Hummert’s serial Stella Dallas, adapted from the Olive Higgins Prouty novel and film, begins its 17 season run on NBC. (See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 6 1938 Hummerts’ soap opera Young Widder Brown begins its 18 year run, all on NBC.
JUN 6 1939 With the addition of KYOS/Merced, California, the Don Lee West Coast network grows to 32 affiliates.
JUN 6 1941 KYW/Philladelphia becomes the first U.S. station subscribing to Reuters news service from Great Britain.
JUN 6 1941 Bandleader Sammy Kaye wins his dispute with NBC and Blue to keep his band’s “singng” introductions of songs, a practice also used by Kay Kyser's orchestra. (See Kay Kyser.)
JUN 6 1941 Serial Claudia & David begins as a four-week, 15-minute insert in Kate Smith’s CBS Thursday night hour before becoming the first half-hour of her summer replacement.
JUN 6 1942 Ralph Edwards’ Truth Or Consequences originates from a private home in Rutland, Vermont, resulting in $2,000 in extra line charges. (See Truth Or Consequences and Saturday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 6 1943 Half-hour soap opera Those We Love makes its sixth network switch in five years when General Foods moves it from CBS Sunday afternoons to be Jack Benny’s summer replacement on NBC.
JUN 6 1944 First word of the Allied invasion of Europe is received from Radio Berlin at 12:37 a.m. The networks broadcast the information, warning that it could be a false, considering the source. An hour later BBC is heard warning the people of Europe to move inland from coastal areas for safety. (See D-Day On Radio.)
JUN 6 1944 All four networks begin 24 hour news operations for the next twelve days.
JUN 6 1944 NBC briefly adds a fourth note to its three note system cue as a signal for employees to report for pre-assigned duties related to D-Day news coverage.
JUN 6 1944 Official confirmation of the D-Day invasion is announced on the networks at 3:32 a.m. - beginning all day, non-commercial coverage.
JUN 6 1944 CBS newsman Richard C. Hottelet, NBC’s Wright Bryan, Blue’s George Hicks and Mutual correspondent Larry Meier provide eyewitness accounts of the D-Day invasion
JUN 6 1944 FCC denies a request from WLW/Cincinnati to increase its power to 500,000 watts during D-Day coverage.
JUN 6 1944 Army-bound Red Skelton leaves his high rated NBC show. (See Tuesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 6 1945 NBC invests $18,000 a week to program Fred Waring’s Pennsylvanians for 30 minutes every weekday morning against ABC’s popular Breakfast In Hollywood which has a weekly budget of $5,500.
JUN 6 1945 Ted Malone, (fka Alden Russell), resumes his Between The Bookends weekday quarter-hour beginning a ten year run on Blue/ABC.
JUN 6 1945 With their radio shows on summer hiatus, Bob Hope, Jack Benny, Frank Sinatra and the Information Please panel all schedule USO tours in Europe to entertain Allied occupation forces.
JUN 6 1945 FCC reports 836 U.S. radio stations had a total 1944 revenue of $68.9 Million, a 43% increase over 1943 and more than 125% more than 1942.
JUN 6 1947 WHO/Des Moines scores major news beats for NBC in covering the two major floods during the month that caused $10.0 Million in damage to the Ottumwa, Iowa, area.
JUN 6 1947 Former Your Hit Parade star Joan Edwards sues the American Tobacco Co. for $75,000, charging breach of contract after being terminated from the program. (See Saturday’s All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 6 1947 ABC’s West Coast news bureau, located in San Francisco since the start of World War II, moves back to Los Angeles.
JUN 6 1947 Ted Weem’s orchestra plays a benefit date in Charlotte, North Carolina, to thank WBT disc jockey Kurt Webster for reviving Weems’ 1933 recording of Heartaches into a 1947 best-seller.
JUN 6 1947 WMPS/Memphis broadcasts a special program welcoming new station WDIA to the city’s airwaves.
JUN 6 1949 Notre Dame football All American Johnny Lujack stars in an ABC adventure series substituting for Jack Armstrong three afternoons a week during the summer months.
JUN 6 1949 WKY-TV becomes Oklahoma City’s first television station.
JUN 6 1950 Bob Hope and Lever Brothers mutually agree to end their ten year contract after five years. (See About A Song and Tuesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 6 1950 CBS-TV introduces its new kinescope film recording process of television programs with The Ed Wynn Show from Hollywood and receives critical praise for the system called, “…almost as good as live TV.”
JUN 6 1951 Dinah Shore signs a five year, $1.5 Million exclusive radio and television contract with NBC.
JUN 6 1951 Burbank, California, sells 19 acres of city land to NBC for $263,000 - adjacent to 30 acres the network already owns - enabling the network's construction of a $25 Million West Coast radio and television headquarters.
JUN 6 1951 United Paramount Theaters Board of Directors approves the 600 theater chain merging with ABC.
JUN 6 1951 The University of Pennsylvania announces plans to televise all its home football games, defying the NCAA restriction of only two TV games per school - one home and one away.
JUN 6 1952 Phil Spitalny’s legal threats against NBC and sponsor Texaco over Milton Berle’s rough burlesque of The Hour of Charm featuring “Evelyn & Her Tragic Violin” causes the network to censor out the offensive routine from kinescope recordings of the broadcast sent to 17 stations. (See The Hour of Charm.)
JUN 6 1952 General Tire & Rubber consolidates the management of its Mutual network with WOR-AM-FM-TV/New York City.
JUN 6 1953 Jack Webb and his Dragnet co-star, Ben Alexander, host a 28-hour, star-filled United Cerebral Palsy telethon on KECA-TV/Los Angeles that collects $500,000 for the charity. (See Jack Webb's Dragnet.)
JUN 7 1923 AT&T demonstrates radio networking with the first “broadcast quality” telephone lines linking WEAF/New York City, WGY/Schenectady, KDKA/Pittsburgh and KYW/Chicago in a special broadcast from the National Light Association convention in New York City.
JUN 7 1932 The Federal Radio Commission authorizes WLW/Cincinnati to experiment with 500,000 watts during the hours of 1:00 and 6:00 a.m. The facility will eventually require 18 months to construct and cost $400,000.
JUN 7 1934 KOA/Denver increases its power to 50,000 watts.
JUN 7 1937 Lux Radio Theater pays tribute to Jean Harlow who died earlier that day of uremic poisoning at age 26. (See Lux...Presents Hollywood! and Monday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 7 1938 NBC's experimental television station W2SBS/New York City broadcasts excerpts of the Broadway play Susan And God with original cast members Gertrude Lawrence, Paul McGrath and Nancy Coleman.
JUN 7 1937 CBS declares a two-for-one stock split at par value of $2.50 a share.
JUN 7 1939 The four networks devote heavy coverage to the U.S. visit by England’s King George and Queen Elizabeth beginning at Niagara Falls, New York..
JUN 7 1940 NBC President Lenox Lohr resigns after 36 months to become head of Chicago’s Museum of Science & Industry.
JUN 7 1940 Lord & Thomas Advertising executive Ed Kobak is appointed Vice President in charge of NBC’s Blue Network.
JUN 7 1941 The AFL orders AFM boss Petrillo to back down from his demand that a high school band must join his union before playing on a CBS broadcast at the launching of the U.S. battleship South Dakota. (See Petrillo!)
JUN 7 1941 Stage and radio comedienne Mary (Bubbles) Kelly, 46, dies unexpectedly in her sleep..
JUN 7 1942 NBC gives Jack Benny’s timeslot for the summer to Victory Parade - a weekly revue of NBC comedy stars with patriotic themed shows.
JUN 7 1943 The networks deliver new contracts to their affiliates agreeing to the FCC’s edict to limit their affiliate option time to three hours each from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.; 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., and 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.
JUN 7 1943 Comedian Bert Lahr wins an AFRA arbitration award of $3,000 from MCA, for the agency’s involvement in his loss of two summer replacement jobs.
JUN 7 1944 C.E. Hooper reports that radio listening in its measured cities on D-Day was 82% above normal - the highest peak coming between 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. at 138% above normal. (See D-Day On Radio and Radio's Rulers: Crossley, Hooper & NIelsen.)
JUN 7 1944 The Armed Forces Network, BBC and CBC expand operations of the Allied Expeditionary Forces Radio Service from London transmitted by BBC facilities. Within a week the service increases its daily programming to 18 hours of news and entertainment.
JUN 7 1946 General Foods fires the entire cast and crew of Fanny Brice’s Baby Snooks Show except Brice and Hanley Stafford in a major overhaul of the program which had cost $13,000 a week to produce. (See Baby Snooks and Thursday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 7 1946 Paul White, News Director of CBS for 13 years and credited with establish-ing the network’s news division, is replaced by Edward R. Murrow.
JUN 7 1947 Bing Crosby’s appearance at a celebrity golf tournament in Cincinnati raises $10,000 for the American Cancer Society. (See Thursday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 7 1948 Pilot Radio Corporation introduces a portable television set with a three-inch screen for $100.
JUN 7 1951 CBS scraps plans for a nightly broadcast of The Barry Gray Show starring the controversial WMCA/New York City talk show host.
JUN 7 1951 Popular filmed series Racket Squad starring Reed Hadley debuts on CBS-TV, replacing Truth Or Consequences.
JUN 7 1952 NBC-TV hires comedian Jerry Lester, who is suing the network for breach of contract, to host its Saturday Night Dance Party, the summer replacement for Your Show of Shows.
JUN 7 1953 U.S. Steel cancels the acclaimed Theater Guild On The Air after an eight year multi-network run, leaving Lux Radio Theater as the lone 60-minute dramatic series on Network Radio.
JUN 8 1920 AT&T’s Western Electric introduces its Public Address System, amplifying speech electrically at the Republican and Democrat conventions.
JUN 8 1930 Brooklyn Eagle newspaper editor H.V. Kaltenborn begins his series of Sunday night news commentaries on CBS. (See H.V. Kaltenborn.)
JUN 8 1932 FRC permits independent station KNX/Los Angeles to increase power from 5,000 to 25,000 watts.
JUN 8 1936 NBC cancels its affiliation agreement with WALA/Mobile, Alabama, when it learns that the station is legally bound to its CBS affiliation for three more years.
JUN 8 1937 NBC dispatches announcers and engineers to the South Pacific island of Enderbury to report on the total eclipse of the sun. CBS sends its radio crew to cover the eclipse from the Andes mountains in Peru.
JUN 8 1937 The FTC orders Cosray Vitamin D Soap to cease and desist its radio spots that tout its lather will remove wrinkles, blackheads and, “…restore youthful color and elasticity to your skin.”
JUN 8 1939 The networks all cover President Roosevelt’s welcome to England’s King George and Queen Elizabeth to Washington.
JUN 8 1939 Kate Smith sings at the White House reception for King George & Queen Elizabeth then races to WJSV/Washington to appear on her own CBS Thursday night show. (See Kate's Great Song.)
JUN 8 1939 The Coon County Creek Girls quartet from WLW/Cincinnati appears at the White House to entertain King George & Queen Elizabeth as, “…representative exponents of native folk music.”
JUN 8 1941 NBC and Mutual news commentator Captain E.D.C. Hearne, dies at 51 in Chicago after a heart attack.
JUN 8 1942 AFM President Petrillo decrees that all recording and transcribing of music for public consumption will stop on August 1st. (See Petrillo!)
JUN 8 1942 FCC orders all radio equipment manufacturers and dealers to register any transmitters they may have in stock.
JUN 8 1942 Commentator Quincy Howe, returned from an undisclosed mission for the U.S. Government, joins CBS News.
JUN 8 1942 Early soap opera Clara, Lu & Em, gone from Network Radio for 6 years, returns to CBS for a 26-week run. (See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 8 1943 A powerful new Voice of America transmitter arrives in North Africa to be installed for broadcasts to Europe.
JUN 8 1945 “Mind Reader” Joseph Dunninger debuts as the summer replacement for NBC’s Amos & Andy. (See Dunninger.)
JUN 8 1945 WBKB(TV)/Chicago introduces Look At The News with an on-camera newscaster and his puppet “assistant.”
JUN 8 1946 Standard Brands introduces its 15 minute Sunday night interview show Face To Face on WNBT(TV)/New York City at a weekly cost of $400.
JUN 8 1947 Mutual celebrates the signing of its 400th affiliate with the system cue, “…The only network with stations in every State in the Union.”
JUN 8 1947 Dr. I.Q. creator Lee Segall and movie star Tyrone Power open KIXL/Dallas. (See Dr. I.Q.)
JUN 8 1948 NBC-TV debuts Milton Berle’s Texaco Star Theater vaudeville revue from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. on a seven station network with a weekly budget of $5,000 opposite NBC Radio’s Tuesday night comedy lineup.
JUN 8 1949 Baltimore stations WCBM, WFBR and WITH are acquitted of contempt by the Maryland Court of Appeals for defying a gag order and broadcasting details of a crime in advance of a murder trial.
JUN 8 1949 Guy Lombardo, whose orchestra’s transcribed program series is broadcast by 273 stations, receives a four year, $500,000 contract extension from program producer Frederick Ziv. (See Fred Ziv - King of Syndication and Guy Lombardo.)
JUN 8 1950 Philco unveils its new table model TV with a 16 inch picture tube for $269.95.
JUN 8 1951 Colgate notifies NBC it is cancelling Bill Stern’s Sports Newsreel after 12 years’ sponsorship of the Friday night quarter-hour. (See Bill Stern - Profile In Pain.)
JUN 8 1952 Spring Byington, 65, debuts as December Bride for its one-year run on CBS before its successful six seasons as a CBS-TV sitcom.
JUN 8 1953 Carton E. Morse’s weeknight soap opera The Family Skeleton starring Mercedes McCambridge begins its 39 week run on CBS.
JUN 8 1953 CBS-TV introduces its weekday panel-giveaway show I’ll Buy That! hosted by Mike Wallace for a 13-week run.
JUN 9 1932 NBC President M.H. Aylesworth says radio should be treated like the press and his network will not pay to cover the 1932 Olympics or political conventions.
JUN 9 1934 Five staff members of WOWO/Fort Wayne are sworn in as Allen County deputy sheriffs with power to eject “troublemakers” from the station’s studio audiences.
JUN 9 1936 The networks provide gavel-to-gavel coverage of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.
JUN 9 1942 General Motors introduces Cheers From The Camps, a weekly 60 minute variety show on CBS from Armed Forces installations featuring talented service personnel.
JUN 9 1947 AFM boss Petrillo threatens to prohibit all union musicians from recording studios beginning December 31st if the Supreme Court deems The Lea Act constitutional or The Taft-Hartley Act becomes law. (See Petrillo!)
JUN 9 1947 Three dozen television station and AT&T executives gathered at an FCC Conference in Washington agree that network television is still several years away.
JUN 9 1948 The controversial White Bill amending The Communications Act of 1934 and giving the FCC review power over programs is sent to the U.S. Senate but is given little chance of passage.
JUN 9 1948 Westinghouse puts WBZ-TV/Boston on the air.
JUN 9 1948 Westinghouse Stratovision tests of television signals transmitted from a B-29 flying over 30,000 feet over Pittsburgh are reported seen over 200 miles away from New England to the Midwest.
JUN 9 1949 FCC drops its five year old AVCO Rule requiring broadcasters to widely advertise their applications to sell stations for 60 days to attract other buyers and the Commission subsequently deciding which buyer is best suited to serve the public.
JUN 9 1949 The Abbott & Costello Show leaves ABC, closing a nine year multi-network run.
JUN 9 1950 Interstate Bakeries, sponsors of Ziv’s radio series, The Cisco Kid, in the Midwest and West Coast, buys Ziv’s television adaptation of the series for 16 markets. (See Fred Ziv - King of Syndication.)
JUN 9 1951 Milton Berle’s 22 hour NBC-TV telethon raises over $1.0 Million for the Damon Runyon Cancer Fund.
JUN 9 1952 Suspense’s 10th anniversary broadcast on CBS. presents Agnes Moorhead performing her classic Sorry, Wrong Number role for the sixth time. (See Sus...pense! and Thursday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 9 1953 Radio is hailed for its emergency services in a two-day series of tornadoes striking Nebraska, Michigan, Ohio and Massachusetts, killing 247 persons in their paths.
JUN 9 1953 Milton Berle performs his final Texaco Star Theater on NBC-TV, network television’s first blockbuster hit show.
JUN 10 1924 AT&T establishes temporary networks to cover the Republican convention in Cleveland followed by the Democrat convention in New York City.
JUN 10 1932 FCC approves the sale of KPO/San Francisco to NBC and the lease of WJSV/Alexandria, Virginia, (Washington, D.C.) to CBS.
JUN 10 1934 Major League Baseball’s second All-Star game is broadcast by CBS and NBC as a non-commercial program available to any station that wants it.
JUN 10 1936 WJZ/New York, WGN/Chicago, KNX/Los Angeles, WHAS/Louisville and WHO/Des Moines all file with the FCC for 500,000 watt “superstation” power to match WLW/Cincinnati.
JUN 10 1937 The two year old, $1.7 Million restraint of trade suit filed by Transradio Press against CBS, NBC and the wire services is settled out of court. (See The Press Radio Bureau.)
JUN 10 1940 All networks broadcast Italian dictator Mussolini’s declaration war against England and France,
JUN 10 1941 ASCAP releases Irving Berlin’s song Any Bonds Today? for unconditional free use to promote the sale of U.S. Defense Bonds.
JUN 10 1941 FCC asks Congress for $675,000 in emergency funds to employ 100 new linguists for its increased monitoring of foreign short wave broadcasts.
JUN 10 1942 The New York State Supreme Court awards RCA stockholders $1.0 Million in damages from Westinghouse and General Electric for gross mismanagement and waste during their control of RCA.
JUN 10 1945 The U.S. Army takes control of Radio Munich’s 100,000 watt transmitter for 20 hours of programming a day. The Army is expected to add Radio Stuttgart’s 100,000 watt facility within ten days which will give it blanket coverage over Germany.
JUN 10 1946 Having already banned its members from playing on live television, the AFM prohibits film studios from allowing television to broadcast any soundtracks that employed union musicians.
JUN 10 1946 AFM President Petrillo threatens to pull all union musicians from Network Radio and recording studios if The Lea Act prohibiting featherbedding is upheld. (See Petrillo!)
JUN 10 1947 Radio’s Dr. I.Q., Jimmy McClain, graduates from a theological seminary and moves with his wife and three children to take a pastorship in Eastland, Texas. (See Dr. I.Q.)
JUN 10 1947 The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin sells WPEN/Philadelphia to Sun Ray Drug Stores for $800,000.
JUN 10 1948 Hallmark Cards debuts radio adaptations of classic works, Hallmark Playhouse, on CBS for five year run.
JUN 10 1948 FCC drops its rule that stations must identify all network programs recorded for delayed broadcast due to Daylight Saving Time as “transcribed”.
JUN 10 1949 Elgin Watch Company cancels its popular Thanksgiving and Christmas afternoon radio variety shows costing $100,000 each because of, “…poor business conditions and lack of top talent.”
JUN 10 1949 After a two month hiatus, top rated puppet show Kukla, Fran & Ollie leaves WBKB(TV)/Chicago for NBC-owned competitor WNBQ(TV).
JUN 10 1950 WBKB(TV)/Chicago raises $200,000 for Cerebral Palsy with an 18 hour telethon headlined by Bob Hope, Peggy Lee and Don McNeil.
JUN 10 1951 Guy Lombardo’s Royal Canadians return as Jack Benny’s summer replacement on CBS for 14 weeks in a touring show to service camps. (See Guy Lombardo.)
JUN 10 1951 Coca-Cola introduces operatic movie star Mario Lanza, 30, as Edgar Bergen’s Sunday night summer replacement for 17 weeks on CBS.
JUN 10 1951 Milton Berle concludes his 22 hour telethon on NBC-TV raises $1.13 Million for the Damon Runyon Cancer Fund.
JUN 10 1951 U.S. Census Bureau reports 40 million American homes, (95.6%), are equipped with radio and five million homes, (12.3%), have television.
JUN 11 1927 NBC’S Red and Blue networks cover aviator Charles Lindbergh’s triumphant return from France following his historic solo transatlantic flight from New York to Paris.
JUN 11 1934 Jane West’s family serial The O’Neills begins its nine-year, multi-network run on Mutual. (See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 11 1934 WWL/New Orleans wins its five year frequency fight with KWKH/ Shreveport over 850 kc. as the FCC assigns KWKH to 1100 kc.
JUN 11 1935 Major Edward Bowes begins shooting the first of a planned 26 two-reel shorts featuring acts from his Original Amateur Hour at the Biograph Studios in the Bronx. (See Major Bowes’ Original Money Machine and Radio Goes To The Movies.)
JUN 11 1943 Ralph Edwards concludes his 14 week cross-country tour of Truth Or Consequences netting $188.5 Million in War Bond sales - ten times the tour‘s original goal. (See Truth Or Consequences and Saturday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 11 1943 RCA rejects American Tobacco’s bid to broadcast 65 quarter hour tran-scribed episodes of The Gracie Fields Show, recorded in London, on the Blue Network.
JUN 11 1944 Gracie Fields begins her summer replacement series for Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy on NBC.
JUN 11 1946 Acclaimed NBC programming executive Bertha (Betty) Brainard dies of a heart attack at age 55. (See The Magic Key.)
JUN 11 1946 FCC proposes issuing one of every five FM license grants in metropolitan areas to ex-servicemen.
JUN 11 1946 Art Linkletter’s People Are Funny is televised as a one-time special by NBC’s WNBT(TV)/New York City. (See People Are Funny, Tueday's All Time Top Ten and Friday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 11 1950 Grove Laboratories takes over sponsorship of The Shadow on the entire Mutual network. (See The Shadow Nos.)
JUN 11 1950 John Dehner and Constance Crowder co-star in The Truitts, a 13-week Sunday afternoon family sitcom on NBC.
JUN 11 1950 Comedian Jack Paar, 32, replaces Eddie Cantor as host of NBC’s Take It Or Leave It.
JUN 11 1950 After telling a bartender to watch for him at the end of the fifth inning of the Dallas vs. Houston Texas League baseball game on KLEE-TV/Houston, the man walks into the announcer’s booth, pulls out a gun and commits suicide.
JUN 11 1950 John Shephard III, founder of WNAC/Boston, WEAN/Providence and the Yankee Network dies of a cardiac arrest at 64.
JUN 11 1951 Transit Radio station owners led by WWDC/Washington are expected to appeal a lower court ruling that broadcasts of programs into streetcars and buses are unconstitutional to the Supreme Court.
JUN 11 1951 The NCAA suspends the University of Pennsylvania for its plans to televise all its home football games and threatens all schools on Penn’s schedule with suspension if they play the Quakers.
JUN 11 1951 NBC’s WNBT(TV)/New York City begins using its multi-use transmitter tower atop the Empire State Building. It allows the city’s other stations to use the tower for an annual $70,000 rent plus another $30,000 for space inside the building to house their transmitters.
JUN 11 1952 FCC denies a request by the American Civil Liberties Union to delay radio and television license renewals until the networks denounce and end alleged blacklisting practices.
JUN 12 1931 KMIC/Inglewood,California, moves its facilities to the Metropolitan Pictures lot in Hollywood and begins identifying itself, “The Metropolitan Studios station.” (See Radio Goes To The Movies.)
JUN 12 1933 The Chicago World’s Fair agrees to hire 25 staff musicians to avoid hiring standby union musicians for individual broadcasts originating at the event. (See Petrillo!)
JUN 12 1935 The FCC refuses to grant a construction permit for a 100 watt station proposed for Chattanooga, Tennessee, charging the applicants with attempting to traffic in licenses.
JUN 12 1937 CBS celebrates the first anniversary of its Saturday Night Swing Club with guests Benny Goodman, Duke Ellington, Bunny Berrigan and the American radio debut of Stephan Grappelli and Django Reinhardt by shortwave from the Hot Club in Paris.
JUN 12 1939 The AFM begins demanding that its members be hired by stations to take control of transcription and phonograph record turntables to, “…replace jobs lost to recordings.” (See Petrillo!)
JUN 12 1940 After 73 days of hearings, the FCC’s Network-Monopoly Investigation Committee issues its 1,300 page report critical of NBC and CBS and proposes limits on network ownership of stations, reducing the length of affiliate contracts and removing the networks from the recording and talent agency businesses.
JUN 12 1941 NBC loses the court battle to prevent Mutual from taking its Friday night boxing shows sponsored by Gillette.
JUN 12 1942 Earl Godwin begins his Monday through Sunday, 8:00 to 8:15 p.m. news-cast on Blue as Ford commits $1.2 Million for its 52 week sponsorship.
JUN 12 1943 Preferring light musical programming, Ford cancels its year-long sponsor-ship of Earl Godwin’s unique seven nights a week newscasts on Blue.
JUN 12 1944 Jo Stafford leaves the Pied Pipers vocal group to debut as a soloist on NBC’s weeknight strip Johnny Mercer’s Song Shop.
JUN 12 1944 American Tobacco buys Sunday night time on 12 NBC Pacific Coast stations for transcribed repeat broadcasts of Jack Benny’s program in the 1944-45 season. (See Benny’s Double Plays and Sunday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 12 1946 Massachusetts Congressman Thomas Lane condemns Duffy’s Tavern in the U.S. House of Representatives, alleging that the show, “…twice referred to St. Patrick with unbecoming levity, ridiculing those of Catholic faith”. (See Duffy Ain’t Here.)
JUN 12 1947 Iowa stations assume emergency status when a series of intense thunderstorms cause wide-spread flood damage.
JUN 12 1947 Challenge of The Yukon from WXYZ/Detroit begins its eight year multi-network run on ABC.
JUN 12 1948 Trade magazine Broadcasting’s survey of Network Radio giveaway programs in the past week shows a total of $165,000 in cash and prizes were awarded,
JUN 2 1948 Harry Frankel, radio’s Singin’ Sam, dies of a heart attack at 60.
JUN 12 1948 Don Lee’s KTSL(TV)/Los Angeles televises a concert by Stan Kenton’s orchestra from the Hollywood Bowl.
JUL 12 1950 IBEW calls a strike against CBS and 335 technicians walk off their jobs. Their duties are performed by non-union employees.
JUN 12 1950 Espionage drama Top Secret starring Hungarian actress Ilona Massey begins a 20 week run on NBC.
JUN 12 1950 A Tyler, Texas family reports seeing a newscast on Channel 4 from WTCN-TV/Minneapolis-St. Paul, 1,200 miles away.
JUN 12 1952 AFM President Petrillo urges his members to avoid strikes “at all costs” because the union can’t afford to support any walkouts. (See Petrillo!)
JUN 12 1952 The Original Amateur Hour hosted by Ted Mack packs Madison Square Garden with a paying audience of 15,000 for its National Championships broadcast on ABC, raising $32,000 for the New York City Foundling Hospitals
JUN 12 1953 Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy introduces a bill requiring all radio and television stations to record all broadcasts and keep the recordings indefinitely.
JUN 12 1953 Thirteen members of the AFM return to work at KSTP/Minneapolis-St. Paul, ending their three year, two month, sympathy walkout for striking union engineers.
JUN 12 1953 FCC grants six new television station construction permits, bringing the total of new stations authorized since the lifting of its freeze to 380.
JUN 13 1929 CBS Chairman William Paley sells half-interest in the network to Paramount Pictures for $5.0 Million with a repurchase provision.
JUN 13 1932 Federal Radio Commission permIts NBC to lease KPO/San Francisco from Hale Brothers Department Store and The San Francisco Chronicle. (See Three Letter Calls.)
JUN 13 1932 WOR/Newark loosens its anonymity rule for announcers, allowing them to identify themselves if they write their own copy or ad-lib narrations when describing sports or special events.
JUN 13 1933 United Remedies buys the 8:00 p.m. hour on WBBM/Chicago for recorded music and commercials for United’s Peruna Tonic containing 18% grain alcohol.
JUN 13 1934 Pepsodent cancels (The Rise of)The Goldbergs - the serial leaves the air three years to the day that it debuted on NBC.
JUN 13 1935 Max Baer loses his Heavyweight Championship to James J. Braddock but Gillette continues to sponsor Baer’s Lucky Smith radio serial.
JUN 13 1936 Ticket demand for WSM/Nashville’s Grand Ole Opry forces the show to move to its fourth venue in 18 months - the city’s 3,000 Dixie Fundamentalist Tabernacle. (See Saturday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 13 1940 Lewis-Howe’s Pot O Gold moves from NBC to Blue at the request of NBC network executives.
JUN 13 1942 CBS newsman Elmer Davis, 52, is appointed head of the new United States Office of War Information.
JUN 13 1942 Blue presents the one hour special program Yank Goes To Press saluting the new Army newspaper Yank and featuring songs from Irviing Berlin’s new musical, This Is The Army.
JUN 13 1943 WJR/Detroit’s program In Our Opinion sets off an uproar in neighboring Canada when the speaker of the Ontario legislature says, ‘…40 to 45% of Canadian citizens would vote for union with the United States if an election were held at this time.”
JUN 13 1944 NBC devotes its entire broadcast day to the Fifth War Loan Drive - the first of four days in which each of each of the networks will separately compete to sell the most War Bonds.
JUN 13 1944 Point-to-point radio operator Press Wireless establishes a transmitter at Normandy, allowing reporters to file news stories directly with their New York offices - over 200,000 words of copy in the first week alone.
JUN 13 1944 Veteran comedienne Charlotte Greenwood debuts in Life With Charlotte, the summer replacement for Bob Hope on NBC. (See A John Guedel Production.)
JUN 13 1944 FCC reports the 1943 net income of 796 U.S. commercial stations to be $46.48 Million, 50% above 1942.
JUN 13 1945 Music publishers claim CBS censors are “too cautious” in banning the lyrics of the standard, Thank Your Father, and a new song, Don’t Tell A Man About His Woman.
JUN 13 1946 Edward J. Bowes, impresario of Major Bowes Original Amateur Hour, dies at 71. (See Major Bowes’ Original Money Machine and Thursday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 13 1946 The U.S. District Attorney in Chicago charges AFM boss James Petrillo with violation of The Lea Act in ordering a strike at WAAF/Chicago. (See Petrillo!)
JUN 13 1947 CBS announces it will allow transcriptions to be used for West Coast delayed broadcasts, eliminating the need for repeat performances. (See The Late Shift.)
JUN 13 1948 WBAM(FM)/New York City - named for Bamberger Department Stores - changes its call sign to WOR-FM.
JUN 13 1949 Sponsor General Mills offers total cash prizes of $21,000 in a summer long Mystery Deputy Contest on ABC’s Lone Ranger. (See The Lone Ranger and Multiple Runs All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 13 1950 Pianist/conductor Lyle (Skitch) Henderson replaces Bob (Buffalo Bob) Smith as the 6:00 to 8:00 a.m. personality on WNBC/New York City.
JUN 13 1950 NBC signs Kate Smith to a five year television contract with plans to build an afternoon variety show around her and her manager/announcer, Ted Collins. (See Kate’s Great Song.)
JUN 13 1950 Groucho Marx films a television audition of his hit radio quiz You Bet Your Life. (See The One, The Only…Groucho! and Wednesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 13 1951 RCA Chairman David Sarnoff predicts in a Chicago speech that black and white television, “…will be the backbone of the industry for many years to come.”
JUN 13 1952 Mr. District Attorney leaves Network Radio after a 13 season multi-network run. (See Mr. District Attorney and Wednesday’s All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 13 1952 WHAM-TV/Rochester, New York, celebrates its third anniversary week with a Red Cross blood drive, collecting a total of 23,051 pints.
JUN 13 1953 NBC premieres its two hour New Talent USA, a 14 week talent competition originating from four different cities every Saturday night.
JUN 14 1932 CBS, NBC and independent stations WGN, WLS, WJJD and WCFL begin coverage of the GOP National Convention in Chicago expecting a potential national radio audience of 60 million.
JUN 14 1934 WNEW/New York City defies NBC’s exclusive rights for the Primo Carnera vs. Max Baer Heavyweight Championship fight by posting two reporters with binoculars at a sixth floor apartment window overlooking the Long Island stadium ring.
JUN 14 1935 WXYZ/Detroit, one of the four original Mutual affiliates, signs an affiliation contract with the Blue Network effective October 1st and will become a dual affiliate until January 1, 1936. (See The Lone Ranger.)
JUN 14 1935 Mutual announces the establishment of a national network sales organization and a new advertising policy governing commercial copy for patent medicines, deodorants, depilatories and laxatives.
JUN 14 1940 Bob Hope threatens to quit his NBC show if sponsor Pepsodent toothpaste doesn’t double his salary to $8,000 per week. (See Tuesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 14 1940 James Caesar Petrillo, 48, is elected president of the American Federation of Musicians - a post he will hold for 18 years. (See Petrillo!)
JUN 14 1944 Eddie Cantor and NBC Vice-President Clarence Menser have another censorship dispute, this time over a routine by comedian Joe Besser which Cantor eliminates rather than use Menser’s substitute jokes. (See Sunday's All Time Top Ten and Wednesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 14 1946 ABC joins CBS and NBC in agreeing to the AP’s new rate structure and subscribes to the wire service.
JUN 14 1946 Wayne King begins his summer run as vacation replacement for Jimmy Durante & Garry Moore on CBS. (See The Waltz King.)
JUN 14 1946 John Baird, known in Europe as The Father of Television for giving his first demonstration of video to the Royal Institution of London in 1926, dies at 58 in Great Britain.
JUN 14 1947 Mutual airs The 400 Party, a one-time special celebrating its 400th affiliate, WMID/Atlantic City. (See Mutual Led The Way.)
JUN 14 1950 Truth Or Consequences creator/host Ralph Edwards signs with CBS after ten years at NBC. (See Truth Or Consequences.)
JUN 14 1950 Hal Peary performs his last NBC broadcast as The Great Gildersleeve and jumps to CBS without the show that made him famous or its sponsor. (See The Great Gildersleeve(s) and Network Jumpers.)
JUN 14 1950 Technicians end their strike of two days and return to their jobs at CBS.
JUN 14 1950 FM multiplexing allowing FM stations to broadcast multiple signals simultaneously is introduced by the Multiplex Development Corporation.
JUN 14 1951 Wayne Coy is confirmed by the Senate Interstate Commerce Committee as Chairman of the FCC for a full seven year term, a position he had held since 1949 when appointed to fill the term of Charles Denny who resigned to join NBC.
JUN 15 1932 An FRC study estimates that a government operated broadcasting system “remotely” similar to the existing U.S. commercial system would cost $220 million in its first year exclusive of program and talent costs.
JUN 15 1935 One of the two 370 foot, steel transmission towers at WPTF/Raleigh, North Carolina, collapses in a high wind.
JUN 15 1936 American Tobacco Co. reports receiving 80,350 pieces of mail in one day resulting from its massive Lucky Strike Sweepstakes promotions based on the company’s Your Hit Parade shows on CBS, NBC and Blue. (See The Lucky Strike Sweepstakes on this site.)
JUN 15 1937 Transradio Press lawsuit against networks, wire services and American Newspaper Publishers Assn. is settled out of court. (See The Press Radio Bureau.)
JUN 15 1937 Singer Tony Martin sues Campbell Soup Co. for $7,500, claiming breach of contract when Campbell cancelled his appearances as host of Hollywood Hotel on CBS.
JUN 15 1939 American Tobacco begins 13 weeks of next night transcribed repeats of its NBC Wednesday night hit, Kay Kyser’s College of Musical Knowledge, on WOR/Newark.
(See Kay Kyser and Wednesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 15 1939 First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt refuses to allow her scheduled remarks to be broadcast on New York Ciy stations WOR and WNEW to keep her appearance on CBS with Kate Smith an exclusive.
JUN 15 1939 NBC televises one program, the 4:00 to 5:15 p.m. preliminary competition for Miss World’s Fair Television Girl.
JUN 15 1940 Colgate Palmolive Peet cancels its CBS crime show Gangbusters after four and a half years sponsorship citing complaints from parents’ and teachers’ groups. (See Saturday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 15 1941 Walter Winchell’s Jergens Journal is temporarily banned by co-owned Montana Blue Network affiliates in Bozeman, Butte and Helena because Winchell is critical of Montana Senator Burton Wheeler’s isolationist views. (See Walter Winchell and Sunday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 15 1942 U.S. Office of Censorship issues its revised Code of Wartime Practices For American Broadcasting which is fully endorsed by broadcasters.
JUN 15 1942 Ben Bernie begins his final Network Radio series, a weekday afternoon quarter hour on CBS dedicated to defense workers and their families. (See Tuesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 15 1942 The Yankee Network of 21 New England stations becomes a full time affiliate of Mutual and its co-owned Colonial Network closes.
JUN 15 1942 Blue introduces its new weekday juvenile serial The Sea Hound for a two year run.
JUN 15 1942 Blue issues its new rate card offering a 2% cash discount. (See Blue’s Blue Plate Special.)
JUN 15 1942 CBS institutes a new 15% discount for sponsors buying all of its 115 affiliates. (See CBS Rates: Go Figure!)
JUN 15 1942 The Atlantic Coast Network anchored by WNEW/New York City, debuts with four affiliates either partially or completely owned by Arde Bulova.
JUN 15 1942 RKO projects the gross of Look Who’s Laughing to exceed $1.3 Million, making the movie starring Jim & Marian Jordan as Fibber McGee & Molly and Edgar Bergen, its most successful film of the year. (See Radio Goes To The Movies.)
JUN 15 1943 Stan Kenton succeeds Army-bound Skinnay Ennis as music director of Bob Hope’s Pepsodent Show. (See Tuesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 15 1943 The Incomparable Hildegarde, (Snell), makes her Network Radio series debut hosting NBC’s Beat The Band, the summer replacement for Red Skelton.
JUN 15 1944 NBC correspondent Roy Porter sends an eyewitness account of the first strategic U.S. bombing raid over the Japanese mainland to all networks via shortwave from XGOY/Chunking, China. .
JUN 15 1945 The Blue Network changes its on-air identification to The American Broadcasting Company, (ABC).
JUN 15 1945 Thirty-three stations alter their network affiliations on the second anniver-sary of the FCC’s Network Monopoly Rules - ABC gains three affiliates, CBS gains one, NBC loses one and Mutual loses three.
JUN 15 1945 The U.S. Office of War Information opens a new 200,000 watt shortwave station at Delano, California, beamed at Japan and Japanese held territories.
JUN 15 1946 A honeymooning couple succeeds to “fight their way out” of an eight foot paper bag on the CBS game show Borden’s County Fair.- for a jackpot prize that had grown after 23 weeks to $1,150.
JUN 15 1946 Jack Barry’s Juvenile Jury begins its seven year radio network run on Mutual.
JUN 15 1947 Crosley Broadcasting’s WINS/New York City increases its daytime power to 50,000 watts.
JUN 15 1947 Fort Industries’ 10,000 watt WGBS/Miami and 50,000 watt WWVA/ Wheeling, West Virginia, both switch from ABC to CBS.
JUN 15 1948 The New York Daily News opens WPIX(TV)/New York City on Channel 11 with a four hour show hosted by Ed Sullivan.
JUN 15 1950 Ted Mack’s Original Amateur Hour concludes its season tour of 17 cities raising $300,000 for local charities with a broadcast from Madison Square Garden before a paid audience of 15,000 to benefit the New York City Foundling Hospital.
JUN 15 1950 WENR/Chicago newscaster Paul Harvey becomes commentator Robert Montgomery’s summer vacation replacement for ten weeks on ABC.
JUN 15 1950 Popular dialectician/comedienne Sara Berner begins her 13-week NBC comedy-mystery series, Sara’s Private Caper.
JUN 15 1951 In reaction to the Korean War, Mutual increases its weekly output of news by three hours.
JUN 15 1951 CBS reclaims two Midwest regional affiliates from ABC - KRNT/Des Moines and WNAX/Yankton, South Dakota.
JUN 15 1951 CBS adds its 26th 50,000 watt affiliate, KTHS/Little Rock, formerly located in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
JUN 15 1951 WINX/Washington, D.C. is sold for the fourth time in seven years for $117,500 - down $12,500 from its purchase price two years earlier and down $432,500 from 1944.
JUN 15 1951 Notre Dame challenges the NCAA’s limited telecast plans for college football.
JUN 15 1953 KQV/Pittsburgh affiliates with CBS. (See Three Letter Calls.)
JUN 15 1953 Ford celebrates its 50th anniversary with a two hour television spectacular starring Ethel Merman and Mary Martin broadcast on 114 stations of the combined the CBS and NBC networks resulting in a 54.5 Nielsen rating.
JUN 15 1953 Broadcast pioneer Lewis Allen Weiss, former Chairman of the Don Lee Broadcasting System, is found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound at 60. Weiss, credited as the original builder the Don Lee West Coast Network, was suffering from cancer at the time of his death.
JUN 16 1930 WGN/Chicago introduces Clara, Lu & Em, improvised skits and chatter in quasi-serialized form. (See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 16 1933 FDR signs The National Industrial Recovery Act which authorizes the establishment of a Code of Fair Compensation for The Radio Broadcasting Industry.
JUN 16 1934 Edwin Armstrong conducts his first FM broadcasting test from RCA’s Empire State Building tower in New York City during a thunderstorm and terms the experiment a success.
JUN 16 1937 CBS broadcasts a special ten minute concert by Andre Kostelanetz and soprano Lily Pons at 12:50 a.m. to be piped into the Los Angeles wedding of Jeanette McDonald and Gene Raymond.
JUN 16 1937 Weekday serial Ma Perkins celebrates its 1000th broadcast. (See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 16 1939 After two months’ of negotiating, NBC and Crosley’s WLW/Cincinnati agree on an affiliation contract with WSAI becoming NBC’s secondary affiliate and WCKY the market’s Blue Network affiliate. (See NBC’s Chinese Menu.)
JUN 16 1939 Popular bandleader Chick Webb, 30, dies from complications following kidney surgery.
JUN 16 1942 CBS begins its Thursday night summertime series, The Nature of The Enemy, dramatizing the cruelty records of Axis leaders.
JUN 16 1942 Tommy Dorsey’s band fills Red Skelton’s time slot on NBC during the comedian’s 13-weeksummer vacation.
JUN 16 1943 FM broadcasters ask the FCC to replace the FM call sign system of letters and numbers with the AM system of four letters.
JUN 16 1944 General Foods moves Fanny Brice & Frank Morgan's Maxwell House Coffee Time from NBC to CBS for the summer as replacements for the first half of General Foods’ Kate Smith Hour. Sitcom Meet Corliss Archer is transplanted from CBS’s Saturday afternoon schedule to fill the second half. (See Baby Snooks and Frank Morgan.)
JUN 16 1945 ABC makes overtures to WSB/Atlanta, WSM/Nashville, WFAA/Dallas, WOW/Omaha, KVOO/Tulsa and other key NBC stations that let their affiliation contracts expire over a dispute in the new contracts.
JUN 16 1947 CBS lifts its long-held prohibition against transcribing network programs for delayed broadcast on the West Coast. (See The Late Shift.)
JUN 16 1947 The State of Georgia accuses CBS of conspiracy and obtains an injunction preventing the network from switching its Atlanta affiliation from state owned, 5,000 watt WGST to 50,000 watt WAGA.
JUN 16 1948 Sterling Drug cancels Frank & Anne Hummert’s Waltz Time after 15 seasons on NBC’s Friday schedule. (See Frank Munn's Golden Voice.)
JUN 16 1949 Five announcers and two engineers walk off their jobs at WPTR/Albany, New York, protesting the station firing two air personalities.
JUN 16 1949 The International Ladies Garment Workers opens WFDR-FM in New York City. The union also operates KFMV/Los Angeles and WVUN/Chattanooga.
JUN 16 1949 DuMont signs Notre Dame University to become the first television network to carry a college football team’s full home schedule of games. (See Dr. DuMont’s Predictions.)
JUN 16 1950 FCC authorizes Multiplex Development Corporation to transmit three or more programs simultaneously on abandoned FM station WGYN/New York City for an experimental period of 90 days. .
JUN 16 1952 Trade magazine Broadcasting-Telecasting estimates that Network Radio net income sank 12.8% from 1948 to 1951 - representing a loss of over $17.0 Million. (See The Gold In The Golden Age.)
JUN 16 1952 Gordon McLendon's bankrupt Liberty Broadcasting System lists $1.4 Million in debts and $507,500 in assets.
JUN 16 1952 Jack Benny and Dennis Day begin three weeks of successful stage appearances in England and Scotland.
JUN 16 1952 The NARTB claims success in its promotion campaign co-sponsored by the Radio & TV Manufacturers Association to sell FM radios in North Carolina and the District of Columbia with the sale of 9,000 new units.
JUN 16 1952 Surprise hit sitcom My Little Margie starring Gale Storm and Charles Farrell debuts on CBS-TV as the summer replacement for I Love Lucy.
JUN 16 1952 Lorillard’s Old Gold cigarettes commits $25,000 weekly for the proposed Goodson & Todman comedy quiz Two For The Money on NBC Radio & Television starring Fred Allen.
JUN 16 1952 Popular pianist (Walter) Liberace is picked by NBC-TV to be Dinah Shore’s summer replacement on the singer’s Tuesday and Thursday night quarter-hour shows for Chevrolet.
JUN 16 1953 NBC extends Margaret Truman’s contract for one year, calling for nine appearances with an increase over her previous pay to $4,500 for each television show and $2,500 for each radio performance.
JUN 16 1953 Jurisdictional fight between musicians union AFM and talent union AFTRA heats up as AFM boss Petrillo demands musicians who double as singers or emcees to drop out of AFTRA. (See Petrillo!)
JUN 17 1932 KFRC/San Francisco undergoes massive staff cuts as owner Don Lee shifts the West Coast production center for CBS to his KHJ/Los Angeles.
JUN 17 1935 A New York Congressman asks the FCC to, “refuse a license to NBC,” for bandleader Ben Bernie’s paraphrasing the Gettysburg address in a “vulgar” Pabst beer commercial. (See Tuesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 17 1935 Fred Waring is elected President of the newly formed National Association of Performing Artists, dedicated to prevent the transcribing and selling records of Network Radio musical performances.
JUN 17 1939 CBS, NBC and Mutual dispatch newsmen to cover the six-day maiden voyage aboard Cunard’s liner S.S. Mauretania from Liverpool to New York.
JUN 17 1939 All four networks cover the Transatlantic flight aboard Pan American’s Atlantic Clipper from New York to Lisbon.
JUN 17 1941 Mexican troops confiscate 180,000 watt XERA/Villa Acuna cited by the Mexican government as “an embarrassment,” and propose to buy the station from its owners.
JUN 17 1942 Mystery anthology Suspense begins its run on CBS spanning 20 years. (See Sus…pense! and Thursday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 17 1942 The American Tobacco Company introduces America At Its Best, a five minute non-commercial program saluting the Armed Forces with narrator Basil Rysdale and Mark Warnow’s orchestra on Wednesdays at 10:00 p.m., before Kay Kyser’s College of Musical Knowledge on NBC. (See Kay Kyser and Wednesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 17 1943 AFM chief Petrillo orders members off NBC’s Bob Burns Show because of a technicality when the program is transcribed for rebroadcast on the network’s WMAQ/ Chicago. (See Petrillo!)
JUN 17 1944 Major Wayne King and the 334th Army Service Force Band debut on Blue's eleven week Saturday afternoon series, 21 Stars, featuring performers serving in the military. (See The Waltz King and The Aragon’s Last Stand.)
JUN 17 1944 Groucho Marx closes his year as host of Blue Ribbon Town and won’t be heard again until 1947’s You Bet Your Life. (See The One, The Only…Groucho!)
JUN 17 1945 NBC’s Sunday afternoon Army Hour is cut from 60 to 30 minutes.
JUN 17 1946 Phil Spitalny, 55, leader of the Hour of Charm all-girl orchestra, and his star violinist, Evelyn Kaye Klein, 34, are married. (See The Hour of Charm.)
JUN 17 1946 DuMont Laboratories announces the development of a special 16 mm. camera and process that allows it to film television programs directly from a picture tube. (See Dr. DuMont’s Predictions on this site.)
JUN 17 1947 FCC Chairman Charles Denny sides with broadcasters in opposing The White-Wolverton Bill which would allow the FCC to grant licenses based on economic conditions of areas, make FCC's network decisions the law, limit group operations by population and force broadcasters to label programs as “news” or “opinion.”
JUN 17 1947 Producer Arthur Kurlan sues CBS for $150,000 charging infringement of his radio rights to My Sister Eileen with the network’s production and broadcast of My Friend Irma. (See Monday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 17 1947 Movie star Van Heflin stars in The Adventures of Philip Marlow, the summer replacement for Bob Hope.
JUN 17 1947 Fort Industries pays $700,000 for foreign language WJBK/Detroit, a record price for a 250 watt station.
JUN 17 1948 Both WPIX(TV)/New York City and WFIL-TV/Philadelphia fly film crews to Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania to shoot wreckage of the United Airlines plane crash that killed 43 persons for broadcast that night.
JUN 17 1951 The American Album of Familiar Music leaves the air after a multi-network run of 20 consecutive seasons. (See Gus Haenschen and Frank Munn’s Golden Voice.)
JUN 17 1952 The U.S. House of Representatives passes The McFarland Bill, hailed as the most Important legislation affecting the FCC since 1934, freeing broadcasters from responsibility for libelous comments made in political broadcasts.
JUN 17 1952 Sylvester (Pat) Weaver, 44, is put in charge of NBC Radio and Television in what is called the network’s Save Radio strategy.
JUN 17 1952 John Daly, ABC news commentator, competes against John Daly, host of NBC Radio’s transcribed What’s My Line on Tuesdays at 10:00 p.m.
JUN 17 1953 Drew Pearson’s syndication firm advertises that 258 stations have bought the commentator’s weekly taped 15-minute broadcasts.
JUN 17 1953 An FCC hearing examiner recommends awarding a television station construction permit to Bob Hope’s KOA/Denver due to Hope’s public service entertaining troops during World War II and the Korean War.
JUN 17 1954 Former President Harry Truman and AFM boss James Petrillo play a piano-trumpet duet of Hail, Hail,The Gang’s All Here at the union’s convention in Milwaukee. (See Petrillo!)
JUN 18 1930 NBC presents the first intercontinental commercial broadcast linking the World Power Conference in Berlin with the San Francisco Electric Light Association Convention, with speakers Thomas Edison and Guglielmo Marconi.
JUN 18 1934 New York City AFM local 802 threatens to prohibit members from playing on radio shows with audiences admitted free, claiming they harm the attendance of venues where musicians play that charge admission.
JUN 18 1937 CBS files with the Security & Exchange Commission to list $4.25 Million worth of its stock on the New York Stock Exchange.
JUN 18 1937 Daytime serial Today’s Children celebrates it 1,300th broadcast on NBC and announces the sale of 250,000 copies of a 50 cent novel based on the program. (See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 18 1937 Comedy writer Al Boasberg, 45, dies of a heart attack one day after signing a contract renewal with Jack Benny.
JUN 18 1939 The Adventures of Ellery Queen begins its sporadic nine year multi-network run on CBS.
JUN 18 1941 Future Hall of Fame sportscaster Don Dunphy, 33, makes his network debut on Mutual describing the Joe Louis vs. Billy Conn Heavyweight Championship fight which registers a 58.2 Crossley rating.
JUN 18 1943 Mutual signs with Radio Mil, owner of 36 stations in Mexico, to carry the network’s programs.
JUN 18 1943 The Office of War Information asks broadcasters to stop using the word “yellow” as a synonym for Japanese or term of contempt because it offends Chinese listeners.
JUN 18 1945 Former NBC News Director A.A. (Abe) Schechter leaves his wartime commission in the Army and joins Mutual as Vice President of News & Special Events.
JUN 18 1945 Leading broadcaster Crosley Corp, sells its WLW/Cincinnati, WINS/New York, shortwave station WLWO/Cincinnati plus television and FM construction permits to Aviation Corp. (AVCO), for $22.0 Million.
JUN 18 1945 The U.S. Supreme Court temporarily vacates a decision of the Nebraska Supreme Court dealing with the license and control of WOW/Omaha pending a decision from the FCC.
JUN 18 1945 The four major networks cancel their agreement to pool news broadcasts and recordings from the Central Pacific war zone.
JUN 18 1945 Coca Cola’s Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands returns to Mutual after three seasons on Blue and becomes a Monday-Wednesday-Friday night show worth $2.0 Million in annual revenue. (See Spotlight Bands.)
JUN 18 1946 The Cooperative Analysis of Broadcasting (CAB) radio ratings service announces it will go out of business on July 31st and sell its remaining client contracts to rival C.E. Hooper. (See Radio's Rulers: Crossley, Hooper & Nielsen.)
JUN 18 1946 Fred Waring’s Pennsylvanians add 15 weeks of summer replacement programs for Fibber McGee & Molly to their schedule of half-hour concerts every weekday morning on NBC.
JUN 18 1946 Walgreen Drug buys a CBS network of 60 affiliates plus time on 71 additional stations for its one-hour transcribed 45th Anniversary Show starring Bob Hope, Frank Morgan, the Andrews Sisters, Ginny Simms and Eddie (Rochester) Anderson for a talent cost of $56,000.
JUN 18 1948 CBS cancels its nightly five minute newscast at 8:55 p.m. - a schedule fixture since September, 1939.
JUN 18 1948 CBS-owned Columbia Records demonstrates its 33 1/3 Microgroove long playing record technology containing over 22 minutes of music on each side of a vinyl disc. (See The 1948-49 Season.)
JUN 18 1951 FCC votes 3 to 2 to renew the license of Hearst’s WBAL/Baltimore, cited in the Commission’s 1946 report for over-commercialization in violation of its Blue Book guidelines. The license had been challenged by newsmen Drew Pearson and Robert Allen.
JUN 18 1951 H.R. Baukhage, an ABC newscaster for eight years, moves to Mutual for an 11:00 p.m. weeknight commentary offered to affiliates on a co-op basis.
JUN 18 1953 Wong Bek Fay, hostess of Chinese Festival on WHOM-FM/New York City, apologizes for, “…having to leave the program for a short while,” She is then rushed to a hospital and delivers a baby boy.
JUN 18 1953 FCC permits NBC-TV to test RCA’s “compatible color” television system for six weeks on sustaining programs.
JUN 19 1934 The Communications Act of 1934 is passed by Congress, modifying The Radio Act of 1927 and establishing the Federal Communications Commission.
JUN 19 1936 Crossley/CAB gives the Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling fight on NBC and Blue a sky-high 57.6 rating. (See Radio's Rulers: Crossley, Hooper & Nielsen.)
JUN 19 1937 American Federation of Musicians’ Chicago local president James Petrillo addresses the union’s national convention and demands controls on “...this wage thief, canned music.” (See Petrillo!)
JUN 19 1941 The Original Amateur Hour’s string of 327 continuous weekly broadcasts is broken when Major Edward Bowes is hospitalized for an emergency appendectomy. (See Major Bowes’ Original Money Machine and Thursday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 19 1942 FCC returns construction permit applications for 23 AM stations and 17 FM outlets to their applicants in keeping with its policy of not allowing construction with the use of scarce materials until after the war.
JUN 19 1943 Union engineers take WTOP/Washington, D.C., off the air for five hours in a labor dispute.
JUN 19 1945 Liggett & Myers cancels Chesterfield cigarettes’ Music That Satisfies on CBS, ending a sponsor-network relationship of 652 weeks that began in 1935.
JUN 19 1945 Networks, local stations, Voice of America shortwave outlets and WNBT(TV) give blanket coverage to the New York City homecoming parade and celebrations for World War II Supreme Commander, General Dwight Eisenhower.
JUN 19 1946 General Motors and its Foote, Cone & Belding agency tell the press that they expect to sign Bing Crosby for his new ABC radio show in the fall, “within the week.”.
JUN 19 1946 FCC issues its controversial Scott Decision which rules that broadcasters cannot deny time to atheists or any other “unpopular” belief under threat of license revocation.
JUN 19 1946 The Joe Louis vs. Billy Conn Heavyweight Championship rematch on ABC scores all-time high Hooperating for a commercial broadcast, 67.2. (See Radio's Rulers: Crossley, Hooper & Nielsen.)
JUN 19 1946 The Louis-Conn fight is televised by WNBT/New York City and fed to Philco’s WPTZ/Philadelphia, GE’s WRGB/Schenectady and DuMont’s experimental W3XWT/Washington.
JUN 19 1947 Electrical transformer failure forces WINS/New York City off the air - WOR lends its auxiliary transmitter to the station allowing it to resume broadcasting seven hours later.
JUN 19 1948 A New York District Court rules ASCAP violated Federal anti-trust laws in a suit brought by theater owners.
JUN 19 1949 FCC celebrates its 15th anniversary noting that in 1934 only 60
0 AM stations existed compared to 1949’s 4,000 AM, FM and TV stations.
JUN 19 1950 ABC and Breakfast Club host Don McNeill sign a 20 year contract - his show remains on the network until 1968.
JUN 19 1950 Comedians Jerry Lester and Morey Amsterdam are signed by NBC-TV as alternate hosts for the troubled late night variety show, Broadway Open House.
JUN 19 1952 NBC gives Ohio Senator Robert Taft 30 minutes on its radio and television networks to answer General Dwight Eisenhower’s June 4th speech from Abilene, Kansas.
JUN 19 1953 WDAF-AM&TV/Kansas City resume operation after an AFTRA strike shuts down the stations for a month.
JUN 19 1953 Radio soap opera producers Frank & Anne Hummert make their first venture into television with an adaptation of their radio series Hearthstone of The Death Squad on CBS-TV.
JUN 20 1932 WJJD/Chicago and Columbia Records agree to an exclusivity pact - the station will only play Columbia discs, identify the artist after each song and its availability at local music stores.
JUN 20 1932 The U.S. Treasury imposes a 5% manufacturers’ tax on sales of radios and phonograph records.
JUN 20 1934 Union demands for reduced hours and guaranteed wages dominate two days of National Recovery Administration hearings for a new radio code.
JUN 20 1936 Chrysler Corp. successfully bids $25,000 a week for Major Bowes’ Original Amateur Hour and will move the show to CBS in September. (See Major Bowes' Original Money Machine and Network Jumpers.)
JUN 20 1937 Vaudeville and film comedian Eddie Anderson, 31, debuts as Jack Benny’s gravel-voiced black valet, Rochester Van Jones. (See Sunday At Seven.)
JUN 20 1939 Controversial priest Charles Coughlin is reported signing stations around the country to carry his new set of four daily 15 minute and half hour programs fed from his Detroit studio at different times during the day. (See Father Coughlin.)
JUN 20 1939 Bob Hope devotes five minutes of his last show of the season to introduce his summer replacement series, Mr. District Attorney. (See Mr. District Attorney.)
JUN 20 1939 NBC presents television’s first one hour live production, a condensed version of Gilbert & Sullivan’s Pirates of Penzance.
JUN 20 1940 Joe Louis’ eighth round TKO of Arturo Godoy to keep the Heavyweight Championship scores a 37 CAB rating on Blue topping Bing Crosby’s Kraft Music Hall 20.2 on NBC. (See Radio's Rulers: Crossley, Hooper & Nielsen,)
JUN 20 1941 NBC is first to the scene of the sinking of the submarine U.S. 0-9 off Portsmouth, N.H., killing its entire crew of 33.
JUN 20 1941 AFRA declares its first "strike" against Taft Broadcasting’s WKRC/Cincinnati for refusing to allow the union to represent its employees.
JUN 20 1945 The Ohio State Senate opens hearings on a bill that would require all television images to be pre-approved by a Department of Education censorship panel, virtually eliminating all live television in the state.
JUN 20 1947 The NAB supported Broadcast Measurement Bureau turns down C.E. Hooper’s $1.0 Million price to buy Hooperatings and suspends its plans for a third nationwide radio coverage survey in 1948. (See Radio'sRulers: Crossley, Hooper & Nielsen.)
JUN 20 1947 Owners of KMPC/Los Angeles reject NBC’s offer to buy the station.
JUN 20 1947 President Truman’s speech explaining his veto of The Taft-Hartley Bill draws a 30.7 Hooperating.
JUN 20 1948 Stop The Music’s June Hooperating soars to second place among all Network Radio programs and pushes its time period competitor, Fred Allen, down to 38th place. (See Stop The Music!)
JUN 20 1948 Ed Sullivan’s Toast of The Town debuts on CBS-TV.
JUN 20 1950 Don McNeill’s Breakfast Club, on its annual tour to New York City, performs its ABC broadcast from the deck of the Navy carrier U.S.S. Enterprise in New York harbor.
JUN 20 1950 General Teleradio sells WOIC(TV)/Washington, D.C., to CBS and The Washington Post, co-owners of the city’s WTOP Radio, for $1.4 Million.
JUN 20 1951 Storer-owned WJBK-TV/Detroit, WAGA-TV/Atlanta and WSPD-TV/Toledo threaten to drop the CBS-TV series Suspense because its horror content is deemed, “...too potent“. (See Sus…pense! and Thursday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 20 1951 FCC grants a St. Louis developer an experimental license to use radar for locating storms.
JUN 20 1953 Henry Morgan and WMGM/New York City dissolve their five-year contract and Morgan leaves his three-hour, Monday through Saturday late night broadcasts from Hutton’s Restaurant.
JUN 20 1953 Jack Paar brings his new Saturday night audience participation show, Bank On The Stars, to CBS-TV for a summer run.
JUN 21 1932 Graham McNamee’s NBC description of Jack Sharkey’s split decision win over Max Schmeling for the Heavyweight Championship causes the New York State Athletic Commission to threaten to ban all but “approved experts” from broadcasting fights.
JUN 21 1937 NBC announces the signing of Amelia Earhart for broadcasts from her world circling flight’s planned landings in Honolulu on July 3rd and San Francisco on July 4th. Her plane was lost enroute to Honolulu.
JUN 21 1937 Blue premieres its six week series, Streamlined Shakespeare, starring John Barrymore in 45 minute versions of Shakespearian plays.
JUN 21 1939 Jack Benny refuses General Foods’ request to accept its Grape Nuts cereal as his sponsor instead of Jello despite the inducements of a new three year contract and a raise. (See Your Money Or Your Life.)
JUN 21 1940 Officials of Broadcast Music, Inc., survey industry attitudes about providing $4.5 Million to buy the Robbins, Feist and Miller music catalogs which accounted for 1/7th of the ASCAP credits in 1939.
JUN 21 1943 The Adventures of Superman, sponsored by Kelloggs on only 38 Mutual stations in March, grows steadily to be broadcast by 201 MBS affiliates. (See Serials, Cereals & Premiums.)
JUN 21 1943 Standard Brands replaces NBC’s weekday serial The O’Neills with The Open Door at 10:15 a.m. (See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 21 1945 Romance, Rhythm & (Robert) Ripley sets a war bond selling record when a New York audience of 500 persons each buy a $10,000 bond for admission to the CBS broadcast. (See Believe It Or Not.)
JUN 21 1945 Eugene Sykes, a member of the original Federal Radio Commission in 1927 and later a chairman of the FCC, dies at 69.
JUN 21 1946 CBS soap opera Big Sister, cancelled after ten years’ sponsorship by Lever Brothers at an annual cost of $800,000, is picked up immediately by Procter & Gamble for the next six seasons. (See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 21 1946 Hundreds of People Are Funny fans are turned away from the Cleveland Arena when NBC station WTAM prints and distributes too many free tickets to the broadcast. (See People Are Funny, Tuesday's All Time Top Ten and Friday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 21 1948 The four television networks cover the Republican convention in Philadel-phia and feed it live to 18 stations reaching an estimated 354,000 sets. The same coverage is given to the Democratic convention three weeks later.
JUN 21 1948 Industry surveys report that the most widely sold television sets feature ten-inch screens.
JUN 21 1949 Standard Oil of New Jersey cancels its annual Sunday afternoon sponsorship of New York Philharmonic Symphony broadcasts on CBS, saving the company $1.0 Million in time and talent charges.
JUN 21 1952 A 14½ hour telethon starring Bing Crosby, (in his television debut), Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour carried by 68 CBS and NBC stations in 48 cities raises $1.0 Million for the U.S. Olympic Team.
JUN 21 1952 WSM/Nashville and New York’s Hotel Astor close down The Grand Ole Opry nightclub show starring Red Foley and Minnie Pearl which had been booked through September at the Astor Roof. (See Saturday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 22 1934 Fifty mile per hour gusts destroy the two 154 foot towers of WKRC/ Cincinnati atop a nine story hotel. The CBS affiliate returns to the air with an auxiliary antenna.
JUN 22 1935 The NAB approves the networks' new five year agreement with ASCAP.
JUN 22 1937 General Electric in Schenectady announces construction of a $20,000 shortwave high frequency television transmitter including a 20 foot tower atop the nine story State Office Building in Albany.
JUN 22 1937 The combined 126 stations of NBC & Blue register a 57.6 Hooperating for the Joe Louis vs. James J. Braddock Heavyweight Championship fight won by Louis with an eighth round knockout. (See Radio's Rulers: Crossley, Hooper & Nielsen.)
JUN 22 1938 The Joe Louis vs. Max Schmeling fight on NBC & Blue scores a 63.6 Crossley rating - sponsor Buick calculates that the 15 minute broadcast cost $300,000 per minute. (See Radio's Rulers: Crossley, Hooper & Nielsen.)
JUN 22 1939 FCC votes to extend the lengths of radio station licenses from six months to one year effective August 1st.
JUN 22 1939 The CBS press department is instructed not to divulge the name of the actor portraying Ellery Queen, (Hugh Marlow), for fear it will destroy the illusion that he’s an actual detective.
JUN 22 1940 Bing Crosby, Shirley Temple, Burns & Allen, Mickey Rooney, Charles Laughton and Pat O”Brien headline a two hour Saturday night benefit for the Red Cross carried by 15 Los Angeles stations and the CBS network raises $230,000 for war relief.
JUN 22 1940 Paris correspondents Eric Sevareid and Edmund Taylor, (CBS), Waverly Root and Victor Lusinchi, (Mutual), and Paul Archinard, (NBC), all escape France just before its fall to Nazi Germany.
JUN 22 1942 Newsman Cecil Brown replaces Elmer Davis - recently appointed Director of the Office of War Information - on the CBS weeknight newscast at 8:55 p.m. - Eric Sevareid is assigned the program on weekends.
JUN 22 1942 Lux Radio Theater cancels its adaptation of The Bugle Sounds because of its elements of sabotage. (See Lux…Presents Hollywood! and Monday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 22 1942 The Office of War Information accuses Broadcasting magazine of stealing government information contained in the trade magazine’s article, American Attitudes Toward War News, then slanting its findings with biased editing.
JUN 22 1943 Columbia Pictures releases Crime Doctor, the first of its ten low budget mysteries based on the CBS series, all starring veteran actor Warner Baxter in the title role. (See Radio Goes To The Movies.)
JUN 22 1945 Popular Breakfast Club singer/composer Jack Owens, 33, is stricken with rheumatic fever while on a tour selling War Bonds and is expected to be off the ABC program for six months.
JUN 22 1948 Cartoonist/satirist Rube Goldberg begins a weekly show based on his drawings and “inventions” on WPIX(TV)/New York City.
JUN 22 1949 The New York Post agrees to sell WLIB/New York City to a group of local businessmen.
JUN 22 1949 NBC salutes pioneer announcer Norman Brokenshire on his 25th anniversary in radio.
JUN 22 1949 Milton Berle signs a new contract with Texaco paying him $8,000 a week to host NBC-TV’s Texaco Star Theater.
JUN 22 1951 CBS lets its exclusive radio and television options for Frank Sinatra expire.
JUN 22 1952 Arthur Godfrey, with Janette Davis and Julius LaRosa from his CBS Radio and Television broadcasts, perform a weekend of shows in Memphis and raise $15,000 for the Navy Relief Society. (See Arthur Godfrey.)
JUN 22 1953 WISN/Milwaukee celebrates its 30th anniversary.
JUN 22 1953 Newscaster Lowell Thomas, 61, signs a new ten year contract with CBS. (See Multiple Runs All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 22 1953 The New York Yankees and Brooklyn Dodgers complain to the FCC that Gordon McLendon is pirating information from their ballgames and using it for recreated play-by-play broadcasts on KLIF/Dallas, KLBS/Houston and KELP/El Paso.
JUN 23 1933 Don McNeill, 25, becomes host of Blue’s hour-long morning show, The Pepper Pot, and transforms it into The Breakfast Club which remains a Blue/ABC staple for 35 years.
JUN 23 1936 The networks provide full coverage of Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.
JUN 23 1937 Pittsburgh stations KDKA, KQV, WWSW, WJAS and WCAE enjoy a two day advertising windfall as a mailers’ strike shuts down the city’s three daily newspapers.
JUN 23 1938 FCC formally issues the revised allocations determined by the North American Regional Broadcast Agreement - aka The Havana Treaty - forcing 90% of the country’s stations to change frequencies. (See The March of Change.)
JUN 23 1939 L.B. Wilson, owner of WCKY/Cincinnati, rejects NBC’s affiliation terms for his station with the Blue Network, threatening to take his argument, “…to the FCC, the FTC, the Congress, the Senate and the President of the United States.”
JUN 23 1940 WEMP/Milwaukee retitles its popular German Hour to The Musical Sunshine Hour and converts all announcements from German to English.
JUN 23 1941 Frank & Anne Hummert’s weekday afternoon newspaper serial Front Page Farrell opens on Mutual for one season, followed by an additional twelve seasons on NBC.
(See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 23 1942 Bob Hope and Jerry Colonna return from a 10 week, 50,000 mile trip entertaining an estimated two million U.S. service personnel. (See Hope From Home and “Professor” Jerry Colonna.)
JUN 23 1942 A severe overnight storm with winds up to 50 mph. snaps the steel transmitter tower of WDAF/Kansas City in half. The station switches to a standby transmitter causing no delay to its 6:00 a.m. sign-on.
JUN 23 1943 NBC censors prohibit Eddie Cantor from singing Frank Loesser’s In My Arms because of the lyric, “Give me something nice, cute and female, I’ll never find her in the V Mail.” Cantor had performed the song twice before on the network with no complaints. (See Sunday's All Time Top Ten and Wednesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 23 1943 An audience of 3,500 fills Chicago’s Civic Opera House to witness a broadcast of NBC’s Information Please, paying an admission of $6.8 Million in War Bonds. (See Information Please.)
JUN 23 1944 Chester Morris brings his Boston Blackie character from the movies to NBC as summer replacement for Amos & Andy. (See Fred Ziv - King of Syndication.)
JUN 23 1945 Smilin’ Ed McConnell reports that his reading a letter from an eight year old St. Louis polio victim on NBC’s Saturday morning Buster Brown Gang resulted in the little girl receiving 210,000 birthday cards and 525 gifts.
JUN 23 1945 Tommy Dorsey, Harry James and Vaughn Monroe headline a program of seven bands on a CBS special Saturday night broadcast to benefit the Seventh War Loan Drive.
JUN 23 1947 The U.S. Supreme Court upholds The Lea Act, (aka The Anti-Petrillo Act), which prevents featherbedding by unions - specifically aimed at the AFM. (See Petrillo!)
JUN 23 1947 All networks interrupt afternoon programming to cover the U.S. Senate‘s 68-25 vote overriding President Truman’s veto of The Taft-Hartley labor law.
JUN 23 1947 The noontime 15 minute commentary Kate Smith Speaks moves from CBS to Mutual guaranteeing the 40 year old Smith $450,000 a year.
JUN 23 1947 Combination newscast/soap opera Wendy Warren & The News begins its eleven year run on CBS replacing Kate Smith Speaks. (See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 23 1947 Veteran announcer Norman Brokenshire becomes the first disc jockey on WNBC/New York City, with a weekday show from 12:30 to 12:45 p.m.
JUN 23 1947 ASCAP is named defendant in a U.S. Justice Department anti-trust suit.
JUN 23 1947 NBC President Niles Trammell announces Ultrafax, RCA’s new high--speed facsimile system which he boasts can transmit a million words a minute from New York to San Francisco using microwave relays.
JUN 23 1948 Eve Arden auditions for the lead in the new CBS comedy Our Miss Brooks. (See Our Miss Arden.)
JUN 23 1949 A gale topples the 500 foot transmission tower of NBC’s WMAQ/Chicago forcing the station off the air for 90 seconds before a nearby 200 foot emergency tower is activated.
JUN 23 1949 FCC examiner recommends denial of the sale of clear channel WHAS/ Louisville to AVCO, licensee of clear channel WLW AM-FM-TV/Cincinnati located 90 miles away.
JUN 23 1950 Frank Sinatra signs a five-year exclusive radio, television contract with CBS guaranteeing him a sustaining minimum of $250,000 per year.
JUN 23 1950 FCC approves AT&T’s plan to construct a television microwave relay system between Omaha and San Francisco at a cost of $17.9 Million. .
JUN 23 1950 Mutual boasts its baseball Game of The Day is broadcast by 323 stations on a co-op basis and carries commercials for 3,256 different local/regional advertisers.
JUN 23 1950 The Pennsylvania Supreme Court halts collections of the $2.0 Million in annual taxes from taprooms with television sets until the U.S. Supreme Court decides on the Constitutionality of the four-year old tax.
JUN 23 1951 Jack Benny performs a benefit in Memphis and raises $30,000 for veterans’ charities. (See Your Money Or Your Life.)
JUN 23 1952 Former CBS and Mutual executive Paul White joins NBC as its Number Three chief behind President Joseph McConnell and network boss Sylvester (Pat) Weaver.
JUN 23 1953 FCC votes 6-1 to temporarily authorize CBS-owned WBBM-TV/Chicago to move from Channel 4 to Channel 2, turning down Zenith Corporation’s proposal to jointly operating the channel with the network.
JUN 23 1953 Don McNeill’s Breakfast Club celebrates its 20th anniversary on Blue/ABC with a simulcast on ABC-TV.
JUN 24 1904 The Roosevelt Board, a U.S. Presidential commission, assigns oversight of wireless transmission to the Navy Department.
JUN 24 1910 U.S. Congress passes The Wireless Ship Act requiring all passenger ships to carry wireless equipment and trained operators.
JUN 24 1936 Four more 50,000 watt stations, KFI/Los Angeles, WJR/Detroit, KDKA/Pittsburgh and WSM/Nashville, file requests with the FCC for a power increase to 500,000 watts.
JUN 24 1940 Bill Paley of CBS charges the FCC's Anti-Monopoly Report to be “error laden.”
JUN 24 1940 Folk singer/actor Burl Ives, 31, begins his sporadic nine year multi-network run on NBC.
JUN 24 1940 Philadelphia’s Republican national convention becomes the first to be televised via Philco’s W3XE/Philadelphia and RCA’s W2SBX/New York City.
JUN 24 1941 Sitcom A Date With Judy gets its first Network Radio exposure as summer replacement for Bob Hope.
JUN 24 1941 AFRA’s National Board votes to order all members to refuse to work on all Mutual commercial programs fed to “unfair” affiliate, WKRC/Cincinnati.
JUN 24 1941 FCC grants the first television station commercial licenses and call signs effective July 1st to RCA’s W2XBS, (WNBT), and CBS’s W2XAB, (WCBW), both in New York City.
JUN 24 1942 RCA head David Sarnoff, 51, is called to active duty as a Colonel in the Signal Corps to establish communications planning in the European theater.
JUN 24 1945 Dick Powell debuts in his first private detective series, Rogue’s Gallery, the summer replacement for Fitch Bandwagon. (See Dick Powell.)
JUN 24 1945 Veteran West Coast network announcer Gary Breckner, 53,dies in a Redlands, California auto accident.
JUN 24 1946 NBC cancels all daytime television programs on WNBT(TV)/New York City citing the lack of receivers in its signal area.
JUN 24 1949 Eddie Cantor, 57, leaves his NBC variety show after three seasons when sponsor Pabst Beer demands that he host separate radio and television shows every week for the next three years. (See Sunday's All Time Top Ten and Wednesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 24 1951 Patent medicine Hadacol cancels all radio advertising for 30 days, fueling rumors that the heavy user of spot radio will be sold. (See Hadacol.)
JUN 24 1953 U.S. Senator Edwin Johnson of Colorado introduces his bill to allow radio or television coverage of any professional baseball game provided the broadcast contains no commercials.
JUN 24 1953 U.S. Treasury Department reports that its 15 minute transcribed series Guest Star is broadcast at no charge by 2,900 stations every week.
JUN 24 1953 FCC grants a special temporary authorization to CBS to operate on Chicago’s Channel 2 as WBBM-TV pending a U.S. Appeals Court decision between applicants Zenith Radio Corporation and CBS.
JUN 25 1936 Bing Crosby leaves NBC’s Kraft Music Hall for a three month vacation and sidekick Bob Burns becomes the show’s substitute host. (See Bob Burns.)
JUN 25 1939 Jack Benny originates his NBC program from his hometown of Waukegan, Illinois, combined with the premiere of his movie, Man About Town. (See Sunday At Seven and Radio Goes To The Movies.)
JUN 25 1940 Six recordings of NBC’s Jack Benny Program are sent to London for broadcast on the BBC which requested them, “…to give listeners relief from the grim realities of war.”
JUN 25 1940 FCC rules that one entity cannot directly or indirectly operate or control more than three television stations.
JUN 25 1941 Monopoly charges force NBC to put off plans to buy KGO/San Francisco and KOA/Denver which it had been leasing from General Electric. (See Three Letter Calls.)
JUN 25 1941 Citing 56 of the previous week’s 67 big band remotes on Mutual were only 15 minutes, bandleaders complain that the quarter hour broadcasts reduce their promotional value to the orchestras. (See Big Band Remotes.)
JUN 25 1942 Numbskull panel show It Pays To Be Ignorant begins its nine year multi-network run on Mutual. (See It Pays To Be Ignorant.)
JUN 25 1943 Associated Press and United Press announce 50% gain in wire service transmission speed to radio stations when circuits become available.
JUN 25 1945 CBS announces plan to purchase KQW/San Jose-San Francisco for $950,000 contingent upon its sale of WBT/Charlotte to Jefferson Standard Life Insurance for $1,505,000. (See Three Letter Calls.)
JUN 25 1945 Mutual introduces Now It Can Be Told narrated by Martin Gabel with stories of previously secret work by U.S government agencies during World War II. (See On A Note of Triumph.)
JUN 25 1946 Bob Hope buys one-sixth interest in the Cleveland Indians baseball team for $292,000, because, “It’ll give me something to talk about on the radio.”
JUN 25 1947 The U.S. Supreme Court upholds The Lea Act ban on union feather-bedding and the act becomes law.
JUN 25 1947 ABC introduces its Eddie Albert Show as summer replacement for Bing Crosby's Philco Radio Time.
JUN 25 1947 KTLA(TV)/Los Angeles buys rights to the weekly Olympic Stadium boxing bouts and rival W6XAO(TV) buys rights to Hollywood Legion Stadium fights to be broadcast to the city’s 3,000 receivers.
JUN 25 1948 Information Please concludes its ten year, multi-network run. (See Information Please.)
JUN 25 1948 CBS cancels its popular weeknight Johns Manville News at 8:55 with Bill Henry.
JUN 25 1948 Television coverage of the Republican National Convention is estimated to reach ten million viewers in nine major markets and daily radio coverage is estimated at 62 million listeners.
JUN 25 1948 The Joe Louis vs. Jersey Joe Wolcott Heavyweight Championship fight scores a 59.3 Hooperating on ABC Radio and a New York City 86.6 Hooperating on WNBT(TV). (See Radio's Rulers: Crossley, Hooper & Nielsen.)
JUN 25 1948 Icing on the plane's transmission antenna interrupts the Westinghouse Stratovision telecast of the Louis-Walcott fight from a B-29 flying over Pittsburgh.
JUN 25 1948 New York City’s Hotel New Yorker reports complete booking of its 100 rooms equipped with television - at $3.00 extra - for the night’s Joe Louis vs. Jersey Joe Walcott Heavyweight Championship fight.
JUN 25 1949 Famous Jury Trials completes its 13 year Network Radio run on Mutual and Blue/ABC.
JUN 25 1950 North Korea crosses 38th Parallel to attack South Korea prompting U.S. networks to immediately dispatch newsmen to Tokyo, and resume around-the-clock wartime status.
JUN 25 1950 WNBC/New York City begins a Sunday afternoon half-hour of Gilbert & Sullivan recordings hosted by British comic actor Arthur Treacher.
JUN 25 1950 NBC introduces The $1,000 Reward, which combines mystery and giveaway elements by enacting a crime then calling listeners with the cash prize for those deducing the correct solution.
JUN 25 1951 CBS-TV broadcasts its first color television program, a 60 minute special titled Premiere starring Arthur Godfrey. (See Arthur Godfrey.)
JUN 25 1952 Newspaper drama Big Town completes its Network Radio run spanning 14 seasons. (See Big Big Town and Tuesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 25 1953 Veteran actor and network personality Gary Breckner, 53, dies in a Redlands, California, auto crash.
JUN 25 1952 NBC sells KOA/Denver to Bob Hope and associates for $2,25 Million.
JUN 25 1953 RCA and NBC petition the FCC for prompt approval of their “Compatible Color” television system.
JUN 25 1953 Research departments of ABC, CBS, MBS and NBC issue joint report estimating that radio set ownership in America had jumped from 105 million in 1952 to over 110 million in 1953.with car radios representing 24% of the total.
JUN 26 1933 The Kraft Music Hall starring Paul Whiteman and Al Jolson opens with a two-hour Monday night broadcast on NBC. It stays on Monday night for six weeks before moving to Thursday. (See Thursday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 26 1936 American Tobacco reports giving away 28,000 cartons - 280,000 packs containing 5.6 Million Lucky Strike cigarettes - in its massive Lucky Strikes Sweepstakes promotion, (See The Lucky Strike Sweepstakes.)
JUN 26 1936 WNOX/Knoxville, Tennessee, boasts a two-month attendance of over 34,000 listeners have paid from five to 25 cents to attend broadcasts at the station’s new studios.
JUN 26 1937 The American Guild of Radio Announcers & Producers union, independent of the AFL-CIO, announces plans to organize all workers involved with radio programs from writers and talent to technicians.
JUN 26 1939 Eddie Cantor performs his last broadcast for R.J. Reynolds’ Camel cigarettes. The tobacco manufacturer reportedly drops the Top Ten show due to the comedian’s political and union activism. (See Sunday's All Time Top Ten and Wednesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 26 1939 Fred Waring’s weeknight 7:15 strip for Chesterfield cigarettes begins 13 weeks of repeat broadcasts at 11:05 p.m. on Blue’s New York City anchor WJZ to test its late night popularity.
JUN 26 1939 FCC approves Earle C. Anthony’s $400,000 purchase of Hearst’s KEHE/Los Angeles. Anthony, also the owner of clear channel KFI/ Los Angeles, agrees to exchange his license for KECA/Los Angeles for the more powerful KEHE.
JUN 26 1939 NBC relaxes its ban of transcribed programs on the Pacific Coast Blue network, paving the way for delayed broadcasts of Blue’s Information Please. (See Information Please.)
JUN 26 1939 A U.S. Court of Appeals rejects WLW/Cincinnati’s application to return to 500,000 watts.
JUN 26 1939 FCC releases Labor Department statistics reporting that radio broadcasting was 1938’s best wage-paying industry in America with an average weekly salary of $45.20.
JUN 26 1940 A welcoming crowd of 25,000 and the Royal Hawaiian Band playing Love In Bloom greets Jack Benny and his family as their ship arrives at the port of Honolulu.
JUN 26 1942 In response to protests from stuttering listeners, NBC bans the songs K-K-K-Katy and The Daughter of K-K-K-Katy.
JUN 26 1942 Songs from Irving Berlin’s new all-military musical This Is The Army are previewed on Kate Smith’s CBS variety show. (See Kate’s Great Song and Friday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 26 1944 The four major networks devote 60 hours of combined coverage to the two day Republican National Convention in Chicago.
JUN 26 1944 General Electric, Mutual and WGN/Chicago begin “extensive” testing of wire recorders at the GOP convention.
JUN 26 1944 NBC and RKO’s Pathe News fly film of each day’s political convention events from Chicago to New York City’s WNBT(TV) for same night broadcast and relay to GE’s WRGB(TV)/Schenectady and Philco’s WPTZ(TV)/Philadelphia.
JUN 26 1944 A stage show adaptation of Blue’s Blind Date opens to standing room crowds in Boston.
JUN 26 1944 RKO’s new television department begins test programming on Don Lee’s W6XAO/Los Angeles.
JUN 26 1944 WINS/New York City covers the novel three-way baseball game between the Yankees, Dodgers and Giants which sells $5.5 Million in War Bonds.
JUN 26 1945 Former NBC Music Director and popular early radio bandleader, Erno Rapee dies of heart attack at 55.
JUN 26 1945 The March of Time leaves the air after a 14 year multi-network run. (See The March of Time.)
JUN 26 1946 U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Thomas Parran charges “extravagant drug ads” on radio have reached “disturbing proportions” - an assertion that the networks claim is vague and general.
JUN 26 1947 Edward Arnold debuts as Mr. President, beginning a six year run on ABC. (See Mr. President.)
JUN 26 1947 Bud Abbott & Lou Costello end their four season run for R.J. Reynolds’ Camel cigarettes on NBC.
JUN 26 1947 Jack Haley leaves NBC’s Sealtest Village Store and Eve Arden takes the show by herself for the summer before Jack Carson joins her in the fall. (See Our Miss Arden.)
JUN 26 1948 Kay Kyser’s College of Musical Knowledge leaves the air after a ten year run on NBC. (See Kay Kyser and Wednesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 26 1948 Mutual introduces its music-based giveaway show Three For The Money emceed by Bud Collyer which offers a potential jackpot of $50,000. The program is cancelled after 13 weeks.
JUN 26 1949 Fred Allen, 55, ends his 17 year Network Radio career. He dies seven years later. (See Sunday's All Time Top Ten and Wednesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 26 1950 Mutual scores a scoop in Korean War coverage with the first broadcast from Seoul - an interview with the U.S ambassador.
JUN 26 1950 Bandleader Sammy Kaye sues CBS and Liggett & Myers Tobacco for $400,000 charging that they stole his original idea for the radio and television program, The ABC’s of Music.
JUN 26 1950 Garry Moore begins his weeknight 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. variety show on CBS-TV.
JUN 26 1950 NBC-TV’s 15-minute Mohawk Showroom starring singer Roberta Quinlan becomes the first regular series program to be experimentally telecast in color.
JUN 26 1953 Mutual meets with its Affiliates Advisory Board to discuss revamping station payment schedules and expanding co-op sponsorship of network programs.
JUN 27 1929 Color video is first demonstrated at the Bell Telephone laboratories in New York City.
JUN 27 1932 NBC agrees to consider “experts” to report future prizefights after the outcry over Graham McNamee’s alleged bias for Max Schmeling in his loss of the Heavyweight Championship to Jack Sharkey.
JUN 27 1932 CBS, NBC and independent stations WGN, WLS, WJJD and WCFL provide full coverage of the Democratic National Convention at the Chicago Stadium.
JUN 27 1937 Freeman Gosden & Charles Correll meet with representatives of Campbell Soup to finalize details of shifting their Amos & Andy sponsorship to the soup company in 1938. (See Amos & Andy: Twice Is Nicer and Multiple Runs All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 27 1938 Don Quinn, 37, writer/partner of Fibber McGee & Molly, is seriously injured and his wife is killed while vacationing in a highway accident near Murdo, South Dakota.
JUN 27 1939 Raymond Edward Johnson stars in the first half-hour run of Mr. District Attorney, NBC’s 13-week summer replacement for Bob Hope. (See Mr. District Attorney and Inner Sanctum.)
JUN 27 1941 Nazi authorities retaliate to remarks made by CBS news analyst Elmer Davis by cancelling all CBS shortwave broadcast services from Berlin.
JUN 27 1942 CBS newsman Elmer Davis increases his workload to seven nights a week, adding Saturday and Sunday to his weeknight schedule of five minute newscasts at 8:55 p.m. (See The 1942-43 Season.)
JUN 27 1942 NBC's National Barn Dance stages a special performance in Bloomington, Illinois, requiring 50 pounds of rubber or 100 pounds of metal for admission. The show collected 53,000 pounds of rubber and 585,000 pounds of metal for the war effort. (See Saturday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 27 1944 Mutual commentator Fulton Lewis Jr. requires ten stitches after bumping his head on a steel girder at the GOP convention.
JUN 27 1945 FCC designates 88 to 106 megacycles as the new FM broadcasting band in the United States, replacing the original 42 to 50 megacycle band and makes an estimated 500,000 FM receivers currently in use obsolete.
JUN 27 1945 FCC designates the megacycle assignment of television as Channels One to Six.
JUN 27 1946 After 14 years as a weekday 15 minute sitcom, Vic & Sade, closes its multi-network run with 13 weeks as a Thursday night half hour on Mutual. (See Vic & Sade.)
JUN 27 1947 Jimmy Durante and Garry Moore perform their final show as a team but remain lifelong friends. (See Goodnight, Mr. Durante... and The 1942-43 Season.)
JUN 27 1947 CBS sells My Friend Irma, its second pre-packaged show over which the network has total control, to Lever Brothers. (See My Friend Irma, The CBS Packages Unwrapped and Monday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 27 1947 NBC opens its Washington, D.C., television station, WNBW.
JUN 27 1947 NBC transmits its first block of network television programs - three hours from WNBT(TV)/New York, to WRGB(TV)/Schenectady, WPTZ(TV)/Phladelphia and WNBW(TV)/Washington.
JUN 27 1948 Stop The Music’s jackpot valued at $20,000 is won by a New York City cab driver’s wife. (See Stop The Music!)
JUN 27 1949 NBC cuts its live television production by ten hours per week with no programs before 5:00 p.m.
JUN 27 1950 ABC’s Drew Pearson breaks the news of U.S. involvement in the Korean War, an hour before its official release by the White House.
JUN 27 1951 The FTC orders American Tobacco to cease its claims that Lucky Strike Cigarettes contain less nicotine and acid than its competitors. (See Unfiltered Cigarette Claims.)
JUN 27 1951 Jack Benny leaves for Korea to entertain U.S. troops with a cast that includes actor Erroll Flynn.
JUN 27 1952 ABC cancels its daytime serials Against The Storm, Lone Journey, The Strange Romance of Evelyn Winters and Mark Trail. (See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 27 1953 The IBEW strike that began at KSTP/Minneapolis-St. Paul on April 5, 1950, is finally settled.
JUN 28 1925 WGN/Chicago broadcasts the Scopes Evolution (Monkey) Trial in its entirety from Dayton, Tennessee.
JUN 28 1932 The Eastern Intercollegiate Association representing twelve major East Coast universities bans broadcast coverage of its schools’ football games because radio is claimed to cut attendance.
JUN 28 1936 Mutual announces that it will expand into a nationwide network in late December with the addition of the Don Lee stations, KHJ/Los Angeles, KFRC/San Francisco, KGB/San Diego and KDB/Santa Barbara.
JUN 28 1936 RCA officially transmits its first television signals from the Empire State Building to two receivers in New York City.
JUN 28 1937 Critics pan Walter Winchell’s overacting as Hildy Johnson in the Lux Radio Theater production of Front Page on CBS. (See Walter Winchell.)
JUN 28 1937 Lux Radio Theater announces a guest appearance by Amelia Earhart on July 5th at the conclusion of her around-the-world flight. (Her plane was lost on July 3rd.) (See Lux…Presents Hollywood! and Monday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 28 1939 The Joe Louis vs. Tony Galento Heavyweight Championship fight on Blue registers a 53.2 CAB rating. (See Radio's Rulers: Crossley, Hooper & Nielsen.)
JUN 28 1940 The Quiz Kids debut on NBC, beginning their 13 year multi-network run. (See The Quiz Kids.)
JUN 28 1940 The National Maritime Union sues Walter Winchell, NBC’s Blue Network and sponsor Andrew Jergens Co.for $1.0 Million after Winchell claims some members of the union are Communists. (See Walter Winchell and Sunday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 28 1940 RCA-Victor introduces its Personal Radio - a four pound portable measuring eight inches long by four inches wide by thee inches deep equipped with a shoulder strap.
JUN 28 1940 Stars of The Grand Ole Opry appear in a special NBC broadcast from WSM/Nashville during the premiere of the Republic Pictures movie named after the show and featuring many of its performers. (See Saturday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 28 1941 Actor Lee Powell wins his two year South Carolina court case giving him permission to bill himself as The Lone Ranger of Two Films over the objections of The Lone Ranger, Inc. (See The Lone Ranger and Multiple Runs All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 28 1943 Officials commend KFXJ/Grand Junction, Colorado, for repeated announcements reassuring listeners that no sabotage was involved when two railroad carloads of munitions exploded at local rail yards in the early morning hours.
JUN 28 1945 Bing Crosby’s Kraft Music Hall closes its season with a 22.2 average Hooperating, the highest in seven seasons. (See Thursday’s All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 28 1947 Chicago’s 14 radio stations pool their facilities to broadcast a simulated air attack on the city by 200 “enemy” planes.
JUN 28 1947 DuMont’s WTTG(TV)/Washington, D.C., initiates remote broadcasts with coverage of all remaining Washington Senators’ home games for which it paid a total of $10,000.
JUN 28 1948 “Unpredictable” Arthur Godfrey refuses to allow any commercials on his WCBS/New York morning show for one day, “Just to see how it sounds.” (See Arthur Godfrey.)
JUN 28 1948 Bill Henry moves his popular five minute weeknight news capsule from CBS to Mutual.
JUN 28 1949 C.E. Hooper releases its first Network Television popularity survey encompassing 31 cities - Milton Berle‘s Texaco Star Theater on NBC-TV ranks first with a 74.4 rating Arthur Godfrey’s Talent Scouts on CBS-TV is second with 72.0. .
JUN 28 1950 WHAS-TV/Louisville broadcasts 40 feet of film of a “flying saucer” hovering over the city.
JUN 28 1951 The television version of longtime radio favorite Amos & Andy debuts on CBS-TV.
JUN 28 1951 Jack Armstrong, All American Boy, (aka Armstrong of The SBI), leaves the air after 18 seasons. (See Serials, Cereals & Premiums.)
JUN 28 1952 NBC-TV’s Your Hit Parade originates from the new luxury liner, U.S.S. United States, with its musical numbers staged from various parts of the ship.
JUN 29 1932 Paul Rhymer’s weekday comedy series Vic & Sade begins its 14 year multi-network run on Blue. (See Vic & Sade.)
JUN 29 1934 Joe Penner, star of Blue’s Bakers Broadcast, refuses to accept his $3,000 performance fee from the Macon, Georgia, Red Cross when his two shows for the charity fail to draw the expected audiences.
JUN 29 1936 Elaine Carrington’s daytime serial Pepper Young’s Family, (fka Red Davis and Forever Young), begins its 23 season multi-network run. (See Soft Soap & Hard Sell.)
JUN 29 1940 Miles Laboratories moves its Saturday night National Barn Dance to 50 NBC stations from Blue except in Chicago where the show remains on Blue affiliate WLS where it originates. (See Saturday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 29 1941 Author Erskine Caldwell and his wife, photographer Margaret Bourke-White, make the first reports from Moscow via shortwave on CBS after Germany declares war on Russia.
JUN 29 1941 Edward G. Robinson climaxes the 90 minute CBS all-star show to benefit the USO with a $100,000 donation to the organization. (See Big Big Town.)
JUN 29 1941 KIRO/Seattle boosts its transmitting power to 50,000 watts.
JUN 29 1942 Paul Reymer’s NBC comedy serial Vic & Sade celebrates its tenth anniversary with the same four actors - Art Van Horn, Bernadine Flynn, Billy Idleson and Clarence Hartzell. (See Vic & Sade.)
JUN 29 1943 CBS News reassigns its leading correspondents by sending Charles Collingwood to North Africa, John Daly to Algiers, Bill Henry to Washington, Larry Lesueur to London and Eric Sevareid to Cairo, while Edward R. Murrow returns to London.
JUN 29 1943 Bob Hope leaves his NBC show for the summer and the leaves country for Great Britain and an extended tour of Armed Forces camps. (See Hope From Home.)
JUN 29 1944 Lever Brothers announces its purchase of toothpaste manufacturer and major network advertiser Pepsodent for $10.0 Million. (See Sponsor Sweepstakes.)
JUN 29 1945 Pacific Borax moves The Sheriff, (aka Death Valley Days and Death Valley Sheriff) moves to Blue after four years at CBS, its fourth network switch since its debut in 1930.
JUN 29 1946 WGN/Chicago withdraws its application for FM stations in Peoria, Grand Rapids and Ft. Wayne and cancels its plans for a Midwest FM Network.
JUN 29 1947 Kate Smith leaves CBS after 16 seasons and cuts her ten year association with sponsor General Foods. (See Kate’s Great Song and Friday's All Time Time Top Ten.)
JUN 29 1947 The quiz show featuring its contestants’ hard luck stories, Strike It Rich, begins its ten year multi-network run on CBS.
JUN 29 1947 Cinderella G. Stump, vocalist on Red Ingle’s hit novelty record Temptation, is revealed to be the CBS singing star of Club 15, Jo Stafford. (See Multiple Runs All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 29 1947 Charles Medbury, script writer of Amos & Andy, dies of a heart attack at 54.
JUN 29 1948 FCC adopts its Port Huron Decision - named for its license renewal of WHLS/Port Huron, Michigan - decreeing that stations cannot censor or cancel political speech but are not responsible for its contents.
JUN 29 1948 The five year old Molle Mystery Theater anthology is converted to a detective series, Mystery Theater, (aka Hearthstone of The Death Squad), for an added six season run on CBS.
JUN 29 1950 Parents of the 15 year old winner of $25,000 worth of prizes on ABC’s Kate Smith Calls sue the program, claiming the prizes were shoddy and had a real value of only $4,000.
JUN 29 1951 The NAACP threatens to boycott Blatz Beer for its sponsorship of Amos & Andy on CBS-TV.
JUN 29 1951 Longtime radio executive Mark Woods, 49, resigns as Vice Chairman of ABC prior to the network’s merger with United Paramount Theaters and receives a $100,000 contract settlement.
JUN 29 1951 Popular sitcom The Life of Riley is cancelled after ten multi-network seasons. (See Friday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 29 1952 Information Please debuts the summer television replacement for Fred Waring on NBC-TV sponsored by General Electric. (See Information Please.)
JUN 29 1952 Edward R. Murrow’s See It Now scores an exclusive 15 minute filmed interview with Presidential candidate and former General Dwight Eisenhower.
JUN 29 1953 Procter & Gamble renews its entire daytime lineup of six NBC Radio shows for 52 weeks representing $6.5 Million in network billings.
JUN 30 1930 The voice of C.D. Wagoner travels around the world in 1/8th of a second, moving on shortwave from General Electric's WGY/Schenectady and back again via Holland, Java and Australia.
JUN 30 1932 NBC reports its first six months’ revenue increased $3.0 Million over 1931 to $15.1 Million and CBS shows a $2.5 Million gain to $7.7 Million. (See The Gold In
The Golden Age.)
JUN 30 1932 A massed band of 2,000 musicians and 200 singers donate their services for an hour long NBC salute to the Olympics from Olympics Stadium and the Hollywood Bowl hosted by Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks.
JUN 30 1933 Eddie Cantor, 40, completes the first of his three seasons as Network Radio’s most popular personality scoring an all-time high Crossley season average rating of 55.7. (See Radio's Rulers: Crossley, Hooper & Nielsen.)
JUN 30 1933 A sign of economic depression, CBS and the two NBC networks report a six month combined revenue of $15.1 Million - $7.7 Million less than the first six months of 1932. (See Radio Nets' Grosses.)
JUN 30 1933 Standard Brands will be the biggest spender for network facilities in 1933 with $750,000 budgeted for Fleischmann Yeast, $500,000 for Chase & Sanborn Coffee and $350,000 for Royal Gelatin & Puddings. (See The Sponsor Sweepstakes.)
JUN 30 1934 President Roosevelt appoints the first FCC: Judge Eugene Sykes and Thad Brown of the FRC, Irvin Stuart from the State Department, Paul Walker of Oklahoma, Norman Case of Rhode Island, George Payne of New York and Hampson Gary of Texas.
JUN 30 1935 Phillips H. Lord as Seth Parker returns to Network Radio on Blue after an 18 month absence.
JUN 30 1936 Bandleader Benny Goodman, 27, begins his three year run of shows on CBS. (See The King of Swing.)
JUN 30 1936 FCC approves the sale of WEEI/Boston to CBS.
JUN 30 1936 London, Ontario, natives Guy Lombardo and his three brothers apply for U.S. citizenship. (See Guy Lombardo.)
JUN 30 1939 Bob Hope & Jerry Colonna begin their first personal appearance tour together - two weeks at The Chicago Theater followed by two weeks at New York City‘s Paramount Theater. (See "Professor" Jerry Colonna.)
JUN 30 1941 Westinghouse begins shortwave broadcasting to Europe from its 50,000 watt WBOS/Boston.
JUN 30 1941 Miles Laboratories’ Alka -Seltzer buys 15 minutes daily on 94 small market affiliates of the Keystone Broadcasting System for transcribed episodes of Lum & Abner.
JUN 30 1941 The U.S. Treasury Department credits the support of the radio industry, including 152,000 one-minute announcements in the first two months of sales, with helping it sell $707 Million in Defense Bonds.
JUN 30 1942 General Foods’ Sanka Coffee, citing wartime shortages, cancels Duffy’s Tavern on CBS. (See Duffy Ain’t Here.)
JUN 30 1943 General Motors signs a 52 week contract to sponsor broadcasts of the NBC Symphony under the rotating direction of Arturo Toscanini, Leopold Stokowski and Frank Black.
JUN 30 1943 Teenage sitcom A Date With Judy starring Louise Erickson returns as Eddie Cantor’s summer replacement on NBC.
JUN 30 1945 Local sales of ABC co-op programs over the past year are estimated to total $4.0 Million, topped by Raymond Gram Swing’s daily commentaries sold on 120 stations which keep 75% of the income.
JUN 30 1945 A delivery drivers’ strike shuts down New York City’s eight daily newspapers for 17 days and provides a $1.0 Million windfall of advertising business for the city’s radio stations.
JUN 30 1945 The Treasury Department credits radio’s estimated total of $23.4 Million in time and talent for helping the the two-month Seventh War Loan Drive sell over $26.3 Billion in bonds.
JUN 30 1946 Two dozen network correspondents on ships and CBS newsman/pool reporter Bill Downs in a plane cover the atomic bomb test at Bikini atoll - but transmission problems create garble and a major failure for radio’s coverage.
JUN 30 1946 The Radio Manufacturers Association estimates the month’s total produc-tion to be 1.1 Million sets, a new all-time record.
JUN 30 1947 Bob Crosby begins his two season run as host of Campbell Soups’ Club 15 on CBS three nights a week. (See Multiple Runs All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 30 1947 Tommy Bartlett’s weekday interview show Welcome Travelers begins its seven season multi-network run on ABC.
JUN 30 1947 ABC introduces the first nationwide disc jockey show - a weekday afternoon hour hosted by 57 year old bandleader and radio personality Paul Whiteman - that generates $5.0 Million in revenue for the network.
JUN 30 1947 A Dayton, Ohio, man wins bandleader Sammy Kaye’s So You Want To Lead A Band national contest and $6,000 in prizes.
JUN 30 1947 Agnes Moorhead narrates the CBS documentary, The Sunny Side of The Atom.
JUN 30 1948 Bell Laboratories introduces the tiny Transistor, capable of serving as an amplifier and oscillator to replace the vacuum tube.
JUN 30 1948 Weekday kids’ serial Terry & The Pirates leaves the air after a five year run on ABC. (See Serials, Cereals & Premiums.)
JUN 30 1948 Cheyenne, Wyoming, changes its name for one day to Lone Ranger Frontier Town in celebrating the ABC show’s 15th anniversary. (See The Lone Ranger
and Multiple Runs All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 30 1949 The U.S. Treasury Department cites radio’s promotional effort for helping it achieve over One Billion dollars in sales in the six week Opportunity Savings Bond Drive.
JUN 30 1950 Jimmy Durante closes his last Network Radio series in a career spanning 17 years. (See Goodnight, Mr. Durante...)
JUN 30 1950 Gordon McLendon’s Liberty Broadcasting System signs WOL/Washington as its affiliate in the nation’s capital.
JUN 30 1950 Film director William Keighley signs a five year contract to host Lux Radio Theater on CBS. (See Lux…Presents Hollywood! and Monday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 30 1950 NBC agrees to back Irving Berlin’s Broadway musical Call Me Madam starring Ethel Merman for $200,000 in return for the production’s radio, television and original cast recording rights.
JUN 30 1950 The hour long Songs For Sale with comedian Jan Murray begins its one season Friday night run on CBS.
JUN 30 1951 Colgate cancels its two NBC Saturday night shows starring Dennis Day and Judy Canova. (See Saturday's All Time Top Ten and Judy Canova.)
JUN 30 1952 Compared to the same period in 1951, January-June gross billings of CBS Radio are down $9.5 Million and NBC's are down $5.9 Million while ABC's are up $2.0 Million and Mutual's are up $1.4 Million. (See Radio Nets' Grosses.)
JUN 30 1952 NBC-TV’s Camel News Caravan weeknight newscast goes nationwide, adding Los Angeles, San Francisco and Salt Lake City to its 39 city network.
JUN 30 1953 Fibber McGee & Molly leaves its Tuesday night timeslot after 15 seasons to become a 15 minute strip show. (See Fibber McGee Minus Molly and Tuesday's All Time Top Ten.)
JUN 30 1953 Transcription network Keystone Broadcasting System announces the signing of its 669th affiliate.
AAAA = American Association of Advertising Agencies - ABC = American Broadcasting Company - ACLU = American Civil Liberties Union - AFL = American Federation of Labor - AFM = American Federation of Musicians - AFRA = American Federation of Radio Artists - AFRS = Armed Forces Radio Service - AFTRA = American Federation of Radio & Television Artists - AGVA = American Guild of Variety Artists - ANA = Association of National Advertisers - ANPA = American Newspaper Publishers Association - AP = Associated Press - ARB = American Research Bureau - ASCAP = American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers - BBC = British Broadcasting Corporation - BMB = Broadcast Measurement Bureau - BMI = Broadcast Music, Inc. - CAB = Cooperative Analysis of Broadcasting - CBC = Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - CBS = Columbia Broadcasting System - CIO = Congress of Industrial Organizations - CST = Central Standard Time - CWA = Communications Workers of America - EST = Eastern Standard Time - FCC = Federal Communications Commission - FRC = Federal Radio Commission - FTC = Federal Trade Commission - IAPTA = International Allied Printing Trades Association - IATSE = International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees - IBEW = International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers - ILGW = International Ladies Garment Workers - INS = International News Service - IRS = Internal Revenue Service - LBS = Liberty Broadcasting System - MBS = Mutual Broadcasting System - MCA = Music Corporation of America - MST = Mountain Standard Time - NAB = National Association of Broadcasters - NABET = National Association of Broadcast Employees & Technicians - NARBA = North American Regional Broadcasting Agreement - NARTB = National Association of Radio & Television Broadcasters, (fka NAB) - NBC = National Broadcasting Company - NCAA = National Collegiate Athletic Association - NLRB = National Labor Relations Board - PST = Pacific Standard Time - PTA = Parent Teachers Association - RCA = Radio Corporation of America - RMA = Radio Manufacturers Association - SAG = Screen Actors Guild - SESAC = Society of European Stage Authors & Composers - SPCA = Society for The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - TVA = The Television Authority (union) - UAW = United Auto Workers - UP = United Press
Copyright © 2018, Jim Ramsburg, Estero FL Email: [email protected]